7 Tips To Prevent Skin Cancer


Sunlight is good, but it can also be terrible for our skin

The sun gives us the advantage of producing vitamin D. This nutrient helps with the absorption of calcium, modulates sleep, keeps us awake during the day and night, it helps us to rest.

However, in excess, the sun can cause cancer of the skin. Sun exposure can be cumulative and cause damage to the skin, including: burns, premature aging like blemishes, deep wrinkles and dry skin.

Excessive light can also damage the DNA of skin cells. and causes skin cancer. That's why we suggest you follow these 7 tips to avoid it:

1.- We must limit your exposure from 11 am to 4 pm in the afternoon, when UV radiation is more intense.

2.- Use sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before leaving. And very important: apply every 3 hours. During the autumn and winter, a sun protection factor of 15+ is sufficient and in the spring and summer 30+.

3.- Take care of your eyes with dark glasses labeled to protect against UVA and UVB rays.

.- It is recommended to use a hat, a hat, an umbrella, fresh clothes with long sleeves.

5.- To avoid tanning beds completely.

6.- Check your skin regularly for changes in spots or spots in terms of

7.- Do not forget to stay well hydrated.

Dr. Leticia Harrison is a dermatologist and her office is located in the Cosmopolitan Building in Tijuana. . More information here.

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