9 recommendations to take care of your skin from the sun's rays


The summer has arrived and with him comes a rest vacation ; if you are planning to spend a few days on the beach consider the following recommendations for taking care of your health and enjoy the carefree days

1. Sunscreen

It is recommended to use sunscreen daily in all areas that you will be exposing to the sun . Apply this product between 20 and 30 minutes before exposure and repeat every 2 hours or at the outlet of the water.

2. Hydrating Balm

One of the best alloys for protecting your lips is using a lip balm that contains a ray shield UVA or lip balm with SPF 15 since the skin of the lips is very sensitive and has almost melanin which makes them crack or dry very easily.

3. Appropriate Clothing

Wear light and transparent clothing, that covers most of the body, thus avoiding the direct action of the sun on your body.

4. Schedules for sunbathing

It is important to try to avoid sunlight from 10 am until 5 am, because at that time the rays are stronger. If you can not avoid exposure, do not forget to use sunscreen sun hat and sunglasses . Moisturize your body

In addition to avoiding dehydration so common in the summer, drinking water will allow you to maintain the hydration that your skin needs to have air soft. And to keep your foot hydrated on the outside, the ideal is to use a refreshing lotion to use during the day. Facial Cleansing

Cleanse your face twice daily, since in summer perspiration is greater and pores are open and can be easily covered.

7. Exfoliation

In the summer, exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells and allow their regeneration. This beauty routine will help you have a smooth skin.

8. Moisturizing Cream

Uses water based moisturizing cream on the face and body, which will maintain skin hydration without the fear that heat will produce a film of fat on the skin. area.

9. Eliminate sodas

Although you are tempted by the heat, avoid consuming soft drinks because they are responsible for the appearance of cellulite and dehydration of the skin.

Now that you have the recommendations to heal your skin. skin, take them out on vacation and take care of the sun's rays.

In this note:

  • Vacation
  • Health
  • Summer
  • Skin
  • Sun

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