Things that happen to your body when you stop consuming sugar


Improves Digestive Health

Sugar causes constipation and metabolic disorders. By decreasing your intake, you will help your digestive system better treat all foods.

You Keep a Balanced Weight

Sugar contains high levels of fat, carbohydrates and calories, which is why it is one of the leading causes of overweight. Eliminating it from your diet will help you reduce fat and you will notice the results in about a month.

You Protect Against Cancer

Sugar is the food of cancer cells. A Rey Juan Carlos University study states that sugars in the intestine cause the creation of a hormone called GIP, which increases the insulin levels that develop in the pancreas; which increases susceptibility to cancer cells that form.

You will catch less colds

Sugar is one of the reasons for chronic inflammation because it reduces the ability of our immune system to fight colds. Eating 100 grams of sugar reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria up to 50% and this effect could last up to 5 hours. Eliminating it from our diet also helps to reduce the symptoms of asthma and allergies.

Protect Your Heart

The excess of sugars increases the risk of heart disease because once in the bloodstream, it is turned into triglycerides, they cause damage to the vessels. It also affects the walls of veins and arteries, which causes cholesterol sticking easily, creating plaques that hinder the flow of blood through them. This process increases the risk of heart disease and is the leading cause of heart attacks.

Take care of your liver

A damaged liver is caused by excessive amounts of fructose and glucose, which causes a toxic effect very similar to alcohol. Fructose is very difficult to metabolize through the liver. It is advisable to go to the doctor to prescribe a liver cleanse periodically and thus avoid the risks of liver problems caused by sugar consumption.

Source: culturacolectiva / MF

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