Colombian Minister asks Duque to protect social leaders | news


The Minister of Interior of Colombia Guillermo Rivera, said Tuesday that the main concern of the next executive, headed by the elected president Iván Duque should be the brake to the "I believe that the priority that the next government must have, which must pay particular attention, is the phenomenon of the assassination of social leaders," said Rivera after a meeting of transition teams. of the outgoing president, Juan Manuel Santos and elected officials

In the company of High Commissioner for Peace, Rodrigo Rivera, said that it is a phenomenon that is mainly concentrated in some departments of the country.

In this sense, Rivera suggested a recently issued decree by the current administration that established collective protection in Cauca, Antioquia, Nariño, Santander Norte, Antioquia Lower Cauca and Antioquia Urabá [19659004] "We even took the audacity to suggest to them to continue to implement the provisions contained in this decree, because it is fundamentally to concentrate the action of the State in the departments where these phenomena are presented, "he said.


Between January 1, 2016 and February 27, 2018, some 282 social leaders and human rights defenders were killed.

>> The number of indigenous leaders murdered in Colombia increases

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