Bolivia and Venezuela evaluate trade


.N .- Businessmen from different regions of Venezuela and Bolivia met on Wednesday with a view to the Mixed Commission that the two nations will lead in the coming days.

In the preparatory meeting, Vice Minister Clarems Endara, of Bolivia's foreign trade, signaled the nations' commitment to achieving a productive trade exchange for both nations, said AVN.

"We urge both governments to help entrepreneurs find roads, which helps them to make the trade we need efficient ," Endara was quoted by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry as saying. Twitter account

"We want to join us commercially with a complementary approach". 19659003] For his part, the Venezuelan Deputy Minister for Latin America, Alexander Yáñez emphasized the importance of deepening trade relations between Venezuela and Bolivia anchored in the political relations of cooperation that they have maintained since the arrival of the leader of the Revolution, Hugo Chávez

"Venezuela and Bolivia are sister countries, peoples born of the same sword, l & 39; history in common, "said Deputy Minister Yánez

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