A New Zealand court has authorized the extradition of Kim Dotcom, the creator of the Megaupload site, in the United States – 05/07/2018


The New Zealand Court of Appeal on Wednesday authorized the extradition of German businessman Kim Dotcom and three of his associates from the closed gate to the United States. For prosecution for alleged copyright infringement

Dotcom, born in Germany in 1974 under the name of Kim Schmitz, and his partners Matthias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk and Finn Batato had appealed A decision rendered in February 2017 by the High Court of New Zealand in favor of his extradition, which upheld a similar decision rendered by the Northern Court in December 2015.

All four are accused of 13 crimes, including organized crime, money laundering and electronic fraud in the United States.

"The United States relies on a range of extradition channels to search for appellants." The Court confirms that all these extradition proceedings are available in the United States and the United States submitted sufficient evidence to support its case in this case, " explains a judicial opinion.

Andrew Little, Minister of Justice New Zealand, who must determine whether extradition should be carried out under the Extradition Act 1999 that governs New Zealand.

Dotcom's defense does not reduce his arms His American lawyer, Ira Rothken, said in his Twitter account that although he is "disappointed" by the decision, the legal team will ask for "a review before the Supreme Court of New Zealand. "

  The manor of the one who was arrested Kim Dotcom outside Auckland (AP)

The mansion in which Kim Dotcom was detained outside of Auckland. (AP)

On the other hand, Dotcom – could receive 20 years in prison in the United States he criticized the interpretation of the Court of Appeals and upheld the main argument in his defense: that this decision exposes the "suppliers to criminal liability" by "improper use" made by users.

In addition, he predicted a result in his favor in the Supreme Court: "The Court dismisses about half of the decisions of the Court of Appeal, and now I understand why." C & # It is funny that the best minds of the New Zealand law are not in agreement on what the law says in my case – three different cuts, three different points of view. "

US authorities estimate that Megaupload, the download portal founded by Dotcom in 2005, earned about $ 175 million for hosting illegal material among its 50 million users.

Dotcom was arrested in 2012 by the FBI in his residence outside Auckland during an operation during which they closed Megaupload, arrested their authors, frozen their accounts and confiscated their assets.

Up to now, seven members of Megaupload charged in the United States only Estonian programmer Andrus Nomm was sentenced. a sentence of a little over a year imprisonment in that country, which has already complied, after admitting that he had violated the right of the author .

Source: EFE and AFP.

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