Some 24 dead people exploded in a pyrotechnic workshop in Mexico | news


At least 24 people died and 49 others were injured this Thursday after the explosion of a pyrotechnic workshop in the district of La Saucera Tultepec Mexico.

Secretary of State for Health Mexico City Gabriel Jaime O`shea Cuevas, explained that among the dead were civilians, police and firefighters who were working to stop the death. ;fire.

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At the site were deployed some 300 security elements, a helicopter State Lightning Grouping Aerial Lightning Mexico City and 120 emergency units.

According to local media reports, it is the second explosion that occurs in less than ten days at the same location.

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] The Governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo gave instructions to support individuals and family members with hospitalization and funeral expenses for all victims .

On June 25, an explosion similar was generated in this same neighborhood and killed one and eight wounded. In this case, the fire originated in a deposit and was extended to two workshops of pyrotechnics .

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