Lose weight yes, but quickly risk your health


Photo: VanguardiaMX

(Caracas, July 05. News24) – Getting in shape is not easy, it takes effort and perseverance but above all dedication . For many, "being fit" only involves losing weight and leaving aside the body's care and maintaining balance in order to take extreme measures to be thinner in a short time.

Having said that, it's important to pay attention to what you lose each week and what steps you take to get results. Losing weight is not bad, the bad is in the way you do it and how fast you do it. If you're still skeptical about the consequences, here are some of the things that happen when you lose weight too quickly.

Constipation, diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain

This is because your gut is used to handle different types and amounts of food, so it goes through an initial adjustment period. Whether there is less food to spend or less fats and oils to lubricate the canal, the amount of salivation that would help stimulate the intestines for mild digestion is diminished.

Headaches and mood swings [19659005] Headaches stem from a prolonged calorie deficit, since your body changes to a different form of metabolism. Your body begins to oxidize fats and even break down muscles to convert these sources of energy into a form of usable energy (ketone bodies). During the period when your body uses glucose bodies with ketones, it temporarily uses another form of stored energy called glycogen that is good for meeting short-term energy needs. This is why ketogenic diets are so hard on the body.

Chronic Fatigue

When our body feels tired, it means that we limit the nutrients abnormally and that is why it feels and we feel tired . Similarly, the nervous system is affected. Your body becomes energy efficient and you get tired to realize these savings because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system because of the significant weight loss.

Appearance of Injury

Losing weight can result in muscle loss which is largely the protector of bones and joints. Bones can also weaken due to lack of nutrients, which will increase the risk of fracture when practicing a more technical sport.

Muscle Loss

When you lose weight, you lose a combination of fat and muscle. . A number of factors affect the loss of muscle or fat. Muscle loss can affect your health and can also decrease your metabolism.

According to information from Informe21

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