Toshiba introduces DynaEdge, its first device 'Mobile Edge & # 39;


  toshiba-dynaedge-mantenimiento_hi DynaEdge is a pocket PC that interacts with the world of the Internet of Things and uses assisted reality glasses to improve productivity in field work in different areas .

Toshiba Iberia introduced in our country the DynaEdge solution, its first compact PC with battery connected to the IoT world to improve the productivity of workers in different sectors. Its weight is only 320 grams and has a battery to guarantee its autonomy. Through its connectivity ports, it is possible to connect the AR100 Viewer assisted reality glasses that the worker will carry during his working day, a tool through which he can receive live voice and image assistance from an expert or supervisor. This is just one of the applications that can be given, since the dynaEdge integrates geolocation to position the worker and improve the workflows of environments such as industry or manufacturing.

The DynaEdge is based on the Windows platform, a basic factor after what Luis Polo, commercial director of Toshiba Iberia, pointed out during his presentation, given that "this ensures the full compatibility of enterprises with the IT infrastructure of enterprises ". In addition, the manager stressed the fact that he has both local processing and cloud computing, because for some tasks, it is necessary to offer a processing capability in Edge himself.

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During the presentation, Toshiba presented a European study conducted among more than 1,000 managers from different countries, including Spain. This shows that 86% of Spanish companies will increase their investments in IT over the next 12 months, exceeding the European average by 10 points. The report also highlights how Spaniards are the most dependent on personal mobile devices to work, with 61% of respondents opting for the smartphone and 47% for the laptop. Emilio Dumas, CEO of Toshiba Iberia, emphasized in his presentation that "the technological future of employees goes through the adoption of wearable technologies and M2M and IoT technologies". In this sense, "it is confirmed that the use of the most innovative digital tools reigns in Spain," confirms Dumas, referring to the arrival of new devices such as the DynaEdge that the company presents aujourd & # 39; hui. Asked why industries can initially adopt the use of these devices to a greater extent, Dumas replies that "these are long-term projects with a proof of concept prior, the phase in which we find ourselves ". With regard to areas where it could have greater reception include logistics, maintenance, industrial buildings, support and maintenance of highways or even security in the enclosures.

Are you doing your implementation of the IIoT well? of the new DynaEdge from Toshiba involves the integration of new specialized partners to its distribution channel, since on this occasion, the hardware is associated with the development of software and specific applications according to the needs of each company or sector. The company already shares the SDK with its partners to make new developments. Note that the current device model has Wi-Fi wireless connectivity, although there is already a new model with a 4G or 5G mobile broadband connection in 2019.

is not the only company to offer new immersive experiences. the workstation as a speaker. Fujitsu has a solution like this, although the big difference is that his eyewear proposal is virtual reality. In the case of Toshiba, they wanted to make it clear that they intended to provide the worker with a tool allowing the worker to receive help from a remote supervisor about this. that they do, offering video and voice communication.


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