Netflix will clear user reviews and comments to its content | Smart TV


A few years ago, when you went to the video store to rent a movie, you basically relied on the criticisms made by the people around you who had seen it, or on a criticism in a specialized magazine. But the arrival of the Internet and mobile platforms or streaming have managed to democratize the review and criticism of audiovisual content, and any user can leave his mark on the content of Content with a review, good or bad after your experience. But now Netflix wants to put an end to these important contents that many users use to choose one or the other content.

Netflix wants to clear the criticism of its content

As we now know, Netflix will erase the criticism of its content on all platforms, so we can not guide us in the future of the experience of the other people with these contents. When we say critical, we refer to everyone, good and bad. The excuse of the streaming platform is that it is a function that less and less users of the platform, so saw the decreasing impact of this platform , have decided to reduce and give them up completely.

After Netflix this function has a "decreasing use in time" and so decided to eliminate it from its platform. This elimination will begin July 30, when the platform will no longer allow new comments or comments on the platform by users. By mid-August, all reviews posted by users on the platform will be eliminated, so we expect that no reviews will be available on Netflix at the end of the month. August.

What was done? Be careful not to delete Netflix these are your own recommendations, which will continue to appear on the platform according to our tastes and our reproductions. And last March is also over with the stars, who rated content from one to five. So it seems clear that Netflix wants us to continue to watch content based on its recommendations, and that we do not stop seeing new productions just because other users do not like it, which would be a compelling reason to see nothing. [19659007] [ad_2]
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