Crime dismantled the University of Carabobo


Valencia .- The Rector of the University of Carabobo (UC), Jessy Divo of Romero, denounced that the crime dismantled this institution of higher education because of the inactivity of police authorities in the region. [19459004Ilaassuréquependantplusieursmoispasunseuljournes'estpassésanslasurvenanced'unévénementcriminelàUCIladéclaréquelesvolsetlesvolsmettaientchaquejourlaviedesétudiantsetdesenseignantsdestravailleursetdupersonneladministratifenpériletquecettesituationnepouvaitdurer

During & # 39; a press conference at which she was accompanied by Council of & # 39; University Jessy Divo read the & # 39; Article 7 of the Universities Act which establishes that the protection of access routes to higher education institutions, their buildings and other constructions is the responsibility of the state security organs. Under this premise, he asked the governor of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, to act according to his responsibilities.

"The task and the obligation that is imposed at the moment on all those who have a position of authority is to protect and support, not we are for political diatribes", commented the rector in reference to the regional leader with whom she had a stalemate via social networks in recent days because of the same problem of insecurity on the campus of Bárbula. shots by the offenders who tried to steal them.

The highest authority of the UC assured that they went to all the competent authorities in order to manage a solution to the problem. "We went to the prosecutor's office, we met the officials of the municipal police of Naguanagua and the police of Carabobo, and the Core 2 of the GNB where security and safeguard agreements were signed which were not respected. "

announced that as a protest measure, from Monday, July 9, UC authorities will send to Campus Bárbula.

Dean of the Faculty of Political and Juridical Sciences, David Rutman, and Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences, Brigida Ginoid Sánchez, was appointed to act as the interlocutor in the conversations that will take place immediately with the government of Carabobo.

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