Twitter suspends more than 70 million accounts in massive action against false information


Twitter suspends more than 70 million accounts in massive actions against false information

Twitter Inc. suspended in May and June more than 70 million fake accounts in a massive campaign to eliminate bots and trolls from the platform, reported today the Washington Post.

Measures against suspicious accounts were taken amid mounting political pressure after Congress criticized Twitter for lax regulation of fake foreign-controlled accounts to spread false information that could affect domestic politics US.

Twitter sources told the paper that the account suspension rate had increased more than twice since October and that more than one million daily accounts had been suspended in recent months.

The wave of account suspensions by the largest social network in the world is one of several recent Twitter campaigns aimed at monitoring the platform and preventing spam and misuse of fake accounts.

Last month, Twitter announced "new measures to combat abuse and trolls and new policies for hate and violent extremism, and we will bring new technologies and staff to combat spam and abuse. "

Putting emphasis on improving the health of conversations on Twitter means "ensuring that people have access to credible, relevant and quality information on Twitter," Del said Harvey, vice president of trust and security on Twitter.

Twitter's aggressive measures against unwanted accounts could affect its user base and a decrease in the number of monthly users could be expected in the second quarter ended last week, the newspaper reported.

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