Home Remedies Against Painful Hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids are for men or women, they are an episode of life that we would never want to repeat. According to data from the Department of Health about 50% of adults aged 50 and over have suffered or have suffered from hemorrhoidal symptoms.

Hemorrhoids, these veins are swollen lower part of the rectum, the internal ones, although they do not cause pain, their main symptom to know that they are there, that is, that they are not in pain. they tend to bleed. Unlike external hemorrhoids, which cause pain and discomfort because of sitting, they disturb even more.

If that's your case, we have home remedies to cure hemorrhoids that will help you quickly.

with cypresses:

This plant is widely used in traditional medicine, for its properties that promote circulation, help relieve varicose veins, reducing swelling, pain and discomfort. hemorrhoids that help them deflate. 19659002] • Preparation: in a liter and a half of boiling water, place eight drops of cypress essential oil, mix and when the temperature of this mixture is average, place it in a container and let it rest for at least 20 minutes. 19659002] Sitz bath with chestnuts from India:

This is an ingredient that promotes circulation and reduces pain in hemorrhoids.

• Preparation: place two liters of water aa boil with five teaspoons of dried chestnuts of India, let stand 10 minutes and when it is hot, sit 20 minutes for five days

Chamomile Ointment:

It is an ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties, which will make hemorrhoids disappear in a short time.

• Preparation: place on low heat 250 ml of wheat germ oil, 10 g of chamomile powder and petals of two roses. Leave it on low heat for about an hour, drain it with gauze and add beeswax and 20 g of lanolin to this mixture. Pour it in a jar and until it cools, apply it on the hemorrhoids.

Remember that these home remedies for hemorrhoids are very effective, but you should always consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Alcohol consumption, high fat and spicy diet and take little water, are causes that could trigger you to have hemorrhoids, better avoid them!

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