Today's Horoscope Saturday, July 7, 2018 | Trade | Lights | Social life


Know what the stars bring you in love and work, according to the zodiac signs. As usual, we share here the horoscope of today. That's what your sign says for this Saturday, July 7, 2018.

(March 21-April 20)
Work and Business: The approval of your environment will indicate that you are going through the correct path. Love: A lot of impulsiveness scares somebody who is attracted to you; Calm down

(April 21-May 20)
Work and business: confrontation with opposing interests but your stubbornness will give you the victory. Everything is balanced. Love: an old friend will come with someone who will immediately captivate him Romance

(May 21 -June 21)
Work and business: he will have all the answers, he will be brilliant, business will grow and be a success. Love: something that is not said in the couple begins to disturb; urgent dialogue is needed

(22 June-22 July)
Work and Business: Small mistakes threaten to become permanent failures. Attention Love: do not insist, your partner will show indifference to your whims;

(July 23-August 22)
Work and Business: Your rivals will try to get closer, but it's convenient to stay on business. Love: initiate changes at home without consulting your partner. It will have unexpected effects.

(23 August-22 September)
Work and business: sum of commitments and non-fulfilling risk. Do your thing; others will know what to do. Love: it will leave everything aside for a beautiful person who starts at his place of work

(23 September-22 October)
Work and business: errors are reiterated; a deadline is not respected; It's always the same responsible person. Love Act: a funny exit dispels anger and promotes reconciliation or a new love story

(October 23-November 21)
Work and Business: A close friend will pretend to keep the credit of his precious idea. Be Alert Love: your partner will reproach you for not trying to disguise the resentment. Get rid of him with love

(November 22-December 21)
Work and Work: A friend brings you a great idea but do not care, you can lose this opportunity! Love: the invitations are raining; be careful, you will soon meet a nice person.

(December 22 to January 20)
Work and Business: The careless attitude of a close friend will change you. Better, repair the damage. Love: your sticky and insistent attitude annoys your partner;

(January 21-February 19)
Work and Business: You will believe that the case only works when you are at the front. This time it will be true. Love: misunderstandings boring appointment. In fact, you need something different.

(February 20-March 20)
Work and Business: will bring sensible ideas that will embellish your work. Finally, success comes. Love: will not believe in love at first sight but will not be able to prevent it, it will happen.

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