The future of MUD is uncertain and the production of AD contributes to this


The departure of Acción Democrática de la Mesa de la Unidad highlights the bad sequence that has accompanied the coalition since 2015. For example, the lack of agreements and consensus between the parties in the strategy of confrontation with the government of the president. Nicolás Maduro, is one of them

Since the MUD managed to win the parliamentary elections with its unitary card, it has overcome a road of obstacles imposed by the government through the "institutional path" (cancellation of elections, revalidation of parties, disqualification of leaders, among others), as well as internal problems, which since then have led to divisions and failures in the political conduct of national discontent and the search for solutions to the crisis experienced by Venezuelans

"Technically, the Mesa de la Unidad has ceased to be the coalition of parties that it was," said political scientist Fernando Spiritto. The position of the alliance within the national political leadership has declined and is currently tiny, as there is no incentive for the union because in the short term it is n & # 39; There is no victory, which discourages its members in the struggle,

With this opinion, Congressman Omar Ávila of Venezuela's Unidad Visión agreed. He said that on the electoral platform created in 2008 by more than 15 parties, there remains a "small representation" that "does not even meet".

However, deputy Luis Emilio Rondón, vice president of A Nuevo Tiempo, reported that they had countless meetings between representatives of the political organizations that make up the alliance of the Opposition, but until now they have not reached a consensus on an organizational scheme that meets the requirements of all sectors of society. He considered the AD decision as an internal "wake-up call".

Vicente Bello, electoral technician for the MUD, said that next week there will be discussions and attempts to meet. "The UNT will insist that the return of the Unit be encouraged."

Spiritto added that the main problem of the coalition is the disagreement over how to confront the government, because there is a current engaged in the negotiation. Confrontation

He said that the opposition lives in a scenario of uncertainty and mistrust among its leaders, similar to the context of 2006.

"The departure of Acción Democrática de la Mesa Unidad brings us back to a decade of political struggle, "he said. The white awning, with Primero Justicia, is the party with the most electoral support and the organization, like UNT, is validated by the National Electoral Council.

Silence and indecision. Attempts were made to consult the leaders of Voluntad Popular and Primero Justicia, who attended the internal meetings of the MUD, but refrained from discussing the situation.

Simón Calzadilla, Secretary General of Movimiento Progresista of Venezuela, be careful and book your opinion, only says that the opposition is divided by competitions between "who comes first". He called on other leaders to "play as a team" and respect the agreements.

Avila said that the so-called G-4 (AD, Popular Will, First Justice and UNT) "acted in accordance with their personal interests, doing calculations and thinking about how they converted their party or the 39; one of their leaders in the first option to be elected Leader of the Opposition or President of the Republic. "

MP Juan Requesens, of Primero Justicia, said that the unitary route, by this that felt that all "big, moderate or radical" leaders are needed.

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