Teachers extend unemployment for another 24 hours | In the agenda


  Photo: Archives | Reference

Photo: Archive | Reference

Genesis rivero | [email protected]

This Friday, the workers of the Universidad Pedagógica Expérimentale Libertador (19459006) Upel ) joined the national strike activities for 24 hours, called by the Federation of Associations of University Teachers from Venezuela ( Fapuv ).

The President of the Administrative Union of Upel, Israel Herrera rejected the agreement reached by the Federation of University Workers of Venezuela ( Ftuv ]) with the Ministry of University Education, Science and Technology .

"The 14 million bolivars that have accepted, are at 4.48 dollars minimum wage on 1 July (..) no," said Herrera, who explained that the tables approved by the Ftuv level workers I, II and III will accumulate a minimum amount of 11 million Bs per month and a professional level XV will earn 22 million 947 000 Bs, while the exclusive holder of dedication will receive 36 million Bs.

"We who provide education in the country, should have a decent wage, "added Herrera 19659005] He also said that the HCM only covers 10 million Bs and that they do not accept it in most clinics. "The fight is for a decent salary and an HCM that corresponds to the reality we live, and more when it's a self-managed fund (…) we know that It can cover 100%. "

Other issues to discuss, according to Herrera, they are the subject of the b udget for universities; lack of resources for workers' health, desertion of students, functioning of canteens, transportation, libraries and laboratories, among other things.

Concluded by convening the university community to meet on Monday at the Central University of Venezuela ( UCV ), where the next actions will be determined.

On the other hand, the president of the Association of Teachers of the Central University of Venezuela (Apucv), Víctor Márquez informed during an interview in the program A tiempo of Union Radio that the paralysis is due to a violation of wages by the national government to the teachers union.

"There were two increases, one on April 1 and the other on April 15. In April, the government failed to comply with the academic sector, they removed 85% of the money. salary increase, "he said.

He also commented that they made the claims by ordinary ways, but the government ""

The UCV professor claimed that the government created a parallel federation to the Federation Venezuelan university professors (Fapouv), but that it also includes the sector of workers and employees.

"This parallel federation is one that discusses collective bargaining. It does so because it is a federation of employers, with workers, employees and teachers. "

However, he complained that this federation has been discussing with the government excluding professors.

He also called for the precarious conditions in which it is recalled that last Thursday the Facuv began a strike of 48 hours to claim better wages, action that was supported by the National Federation of Professional University Unions in the country.Professional functions The action will continue Monday


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