"Commemorated 256 years of foundation of Upata


Governor Justo Noguera and the mayor of Piar Municipality, Yulisbeth García, presided at the events that had a Cleb special session as a central event.

With a busy schedule of patriotic meaning and revolutionary commitment, the commemoration of the 256th anniversary of the founding of the Villa del Yocoima, in the city of Upata, was developed from the very first hours of Yesterday morning, the 7th of July. , Municipality of Piar.

The acts were directed by the highest authority of the state of Bolivar, the governor Justo Noguera Pietri, with the mayor of the municipality, Piar Yulisbeth García, who emphasized the emblematic date of July 7, 1962, when Fray Antonio de Cervera City bearing the name Villa del Yocoima of San Antonio de Padua.

  Appearance of the ceremonial act that took place at the Plaza Bolívar of the city of Upata

Appearance of the ceremonial act that took place at the Plaza Bolívar of the city of 39; ; Upata.

"With deep love for the village of Yocoima, we commemorate this day the 256th anniversary of the founding of the city of Upata Together with our noble and the hand of the mayor of the municipality of Piar, Yulisbeth García. We will continue to honor and work for each municipality of the entity! ", Exclaimed the regional chief who, in honor of this great event, issued a decree of exaltation and importance of Upata in the development of the state of Bolívar.

"Today, we honor with respect and joy the city of Upata, with a decree special that I granted to make it the capital of the State of Bolívar for a day, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 256th anniversary of its historic foundation "

The citizen governor received for its part, a deserved recognition "for its work, its struggle and its accompaniment" to this important municipality agricultural producers in the state of Bolívar.

  The governor, the mayor of Piar and the "illustrious son" of the municipality received the recognition of the regional parliament.

The governor, the mayor of Piar and the "illustrious son" of the municipality received acknowledgments from the regional parliament.

"I thank with great respect and love the people of Piau, land of brave men and women, cradle of heroes and history of the homeland, the recognition that they gave me as part of the commemoration of the 256th anniversary of the beautiful foundation of the Villa of Yocoima ", said the regional president.

Similarly and with a representation of popular power, the regional chief honored the memory of El Libertador, with a floral offering in front of the bust of Simón Bolívar, on the Bolívar square of the municipality.

Solemn Session of the Cleb

As part of the street government that unfolds throughout the entity, the parliamentarians of the Bolívar State Legislative Council held a special session with the governor and the mayor of Piar. which works in unison as a single government and in favor of the well-being of the people.

Carlos Fernández, who stands out in the field of agriculture and livestock for the growth of the municipality of Piar, was appointed by the authorities "Hijo Ilustre" of the Villa del Yocoima. In the same way, the mayor Yulisbeth García was recognized by the authorities of Cleb and called to sign the book of illustrious personalities of the municipality of Piar.

  The people's power accompanied the great act being a participant in the floral offering to the father of the homeland Simón Bolívar

The popular power accompanied the great act as a participant in the offering floral in front of the Father of the Homeland Simón Bolívar.

For Governor Justo Noguera Pietri, Piar continues to be an important municipality to strengthen food sovereignty through the flourishing activity of agriculture and livestock that 's the most important. it has maintained over the years, under which the regional leader has reaffirmed his commitment to continue supporting the initiatives that emerge from this area and thus strengthen the national plans emanating from the Bolivarian government under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro Moros.

  Governor Justo Noguera Pietri decreed as capital of the state the city of Upata for yesterday in commemoration of his birthday.

Governor Justo Noguera Pietri decreed as the state capital the city of Upata for the day yesterday in commemoration of his birthday.

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