Diario El Periodiquito – Double homicide in the valleys of Tucutunemo


  Double murder in the valleys of Tucutunemo

There are five murders recorded this weekend in the town of Villa de Cura, municipality of Zamora

Friday night, two bodies were discovered. was thrown into a wooded area of ​​the Cantabrito sector in the Tucutunemo valleys, in the municipality of Zamora. The victims were identified as Oscar Arteaga (35) and Carlos Eduardo Arteaga (33), unofficial sources assume that the two subjects were brothers.

It was learned that the two citizens had left their residence on Miranda Street in the Los Bagres area. to the recognized forest area of ​​Cantabrito in the municipality of Zamora where they would have worked as farmers.

At that time they were approached by several unidentified subjects, who took away a knife with which they frightened the Arteaga brothers. In a bloodthirsty act, the murderers pierced them with the "machetes", an action that caused their death, leaving them dead on the scene.

Unofficial sources also reported that the motive for the act was related to an alleged adjustment. accounts with a sector gang.

It should be noted that this fact is not related to the triple homicide carried out in this same rural colony last Thursday where they killed three other farmers in the area, whose bodies were found by the police in the area. Friday morning near a pig farm located in the area of ​​Los Chorros, in the valleys of Tucutunemo.

It was found that in less than 48 hours, the balance of homicides committed for the end of the weekend left a balance of five murders for alleged account adjustments, at different times and in different areas of the municipality of Zamora.

 Carlos Arteaga.

Carlos Arteaga, murdered.

 Oscar Arteaga

Oscar Arteaga, killed

  They transferred the bodies to the CICPC Forensic Service in the sugar cane.

The bodies were transferred to the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Medicine (Senamecf) located in Caña de Azúcar

  José Rafael Espinoza </strong> </p>
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Photos Henry Griman

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