A Venezuelan is a key piece for the rescue of children in Thailand


A Venezuelan girl is part of the big project that is developing around the world to save children trapped in a cave in Thailand. She is Maria Giovanna Castro, industrial engineer graduated from the University of Carabobo (UC) and lives in the United States for four years. She works in the company Wing Inflatables Ca, which manufactures equipment and boats for the US Navy and other global companies, and is the project director who made the capsules that will be used as "Plan B "in the rescue of children. Family participated in one of the most incredible things, early in the morning, the owner of Tesla and SpaceX called Wing to design and manufacture capsules to remove the chamos from the Thailand football team who are in the cave trapped. Then we started running to make a prototype. We took it to the pool to test it and then SpaceX gave us the green light to do more. We made 13 capsules. And we went running to ride them in SpaceX's private plane. Everything was super exciting and we worked a lot … "

Elon Musk is the founder of Tesla and SpaceX has asked the company Wing Inflatables Ca to manufacture the capsules.This Monday, the second stage of the rescue begins [19459005

Musk tweeted in his personal account that the rescue mechanism would be "a child-sized minisubmarine that uses tube-transferred liquid oxygen to a Falcon rocket, light enough to cross narrow, but very narrow areas." robust "

Héctor Guerrero, uncle of María Giovanna, said to be very proud of her niece and that Castro represents" the Venezuelan talent that stands out in a transcendental event. "

María Giovanna works since November 2015 in Inflatable Wings Ca, but between 2010 and 2014, he worked as an engineer and responsible for new projects at General Motors in Valencia, in the state of Carabobo.

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