The resignation of two ministers opens a new crisis in the May government | In the world


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Britain's Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May faces a new political crisis following the resignation in less than 24 hours of two of his key ministers, both critics of his negotiating plan. A mixed exit from the European Union ( EU )

The President of Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson, who announced today his resignation, and the l 'h ui ex-minister of departure from the EU, David Davis, who did it last night, have censored the draft May to negotiate a "free trade zone" for the agricultural goods and products with the remaining 27 Community partners after Brexit.

to a plan that was presented as agreed by the government in its entirety, but a few days later spread its differences with the draft, which provides that the United Kingdom maintains a "common regulation "with the EU in about the exchange of bi

May replaced Davis at the head of the department" Brexit "with Dominic Raab also in favor of complete break with the EU, while the Strangers will go Jeremy Hunt ] until now in Health, who defended the permanence in the bloc before the referendum of 2016 but extolled the virtues from the exit since then.

The two resignations fired rumors during the day about a possible motion of confidence against May as leader of the Conservative Party a vote that could lead to new primary training and its replacement as prime minister .

To activate this mechanism, 48 deputies "Tories" -15% of the Conservative bench – must express its willingness to introduce a motion that would force May to get the support of at least 159 of its 316 deputies – more than 50 % – to maintain this position.

The Prime Minister spoke this afternoon. before the conservative parliamentary group in an in camera meeting that was to be tense for the head of government, but in which he was nonetheless received with applause, according to several party members later reported.

MP James Heappey stated in social networks after the meeting that "many support the May proposal" on the "brexit", although the plan has outraged the "tories" in favor of A more radical break with the EU

For Johnson, the bill, which has not yet been filed with Brussels or negotiated with the EU , would lead the UK to the status of "colony" of the EU bloc and British "independence" ballast

The former mayor of London, one of the promoters of the campaign for the break with the Union before the referendum of 2016, said in his resignation letter to May that his idea of ​​"brexit" is based on the improvement of the "particular advantages of the United Re as an open, comprehensive economy and turned towards the outside. "

" This dream is dying, drowned by useless doubts about ourselves " Johnson said.

Davis, until now the British envoy to Brussels to negotiate with community partners, he argued for his part that the "soft brexit" project of May "gives too much and too simply" to the European part.

The departure of two of the Cabinet's most important ministers came shortly before the appearance in Parliament that May had planned days to detail the plans agreed by the Executive on Friday.

Beyond thanking Davis' "work" and Johnson's "passion" during As Minister, May did not alter the defense of his project that he had planned to do before the parliamentarians.

He argued that his proposal was a "responsible and credible" basis for negotiations with Brussels, after the European summit at the end of June warned its partners that time was running out. reaching an agreement

London and Brussels must agree on the exit conditions of the block and outline the future trade relations between the two sides of the Channel before the expiry of the deadline set by Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, March 29, 2019.

May assured that his plan would allow the United Kingdom to regain control of "its borders, its money and its laws", while protecting the labor market and allowing the signature of 39, independent trade agreements with third countries.

In a letter to Johnson, she was also "surprised" by her decision to resign gave their consent to the plan last Friday at an in camera meeting of government members in the country house of Checkers .


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