Beyond China, the Vivo Nex will be sold in other countries



The Nex Vivo is a cell phone with some of the smaller edges we've seen.

Juan Garzon / CNET

In addition to China, the Nex Vivo mobile phone can be purchased in other countries and regions such as Russia, India, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, said Monday the # 39; company. from 2018 to these markets will begin in July.

The Nex Vivo is the final and commercial version of the prototype Vivo Apex that we met at the beginning of the year. It incorporates a virtually bevel-free (and eyebrow-free) screen, a hidden front camera that only appears when you need it and a built-in fingerprint reader on the screen.

In addition, the Vivo Nex incorporates advanced specifications such as a Snapdragon 845 processor and 8GB of RAM

The Vivo Nex is priced at 3898 yuan, about US $ 580, and the company n & rsquo; Did not reveal if it would reach USA, Spain or a country of Latin America

Look at this:

Live Nex: a cell phone with hidden camera, & # 39; frames & # 39; …


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