Woman led the group that stole Cuban doctors' dollars


FAES commission captured Vanessa Alejandra Velásquez Marín, 21 years old; Yirbe José Saavedra Segovia, 20 years old; Carlos Arquímedes Carvajal Silva, 41 years old; Martín Alejandro Freites Chourio, 21, and a 17-year-old teenager, members of the gang who stole Cuban doctors in Ciudad Caribia. Initially, he was assured that the assailants were at eight hooded, but the FAES did not report on the other three.

The case solution was carried out after the PNB unit arrested a delinquent in La Vega, who was carrying a cell phone and performing technical emptying to that team determined that the phone belonged to one of the doctors victims of eight hoods who broke into the place where they reside

Police seized 3 motorcycles, 23 mobile phones, 3 laptops, 5,441 dollars and 5,717 Cuban pesos .

Most of the seizures were in the home of Velásquez Marín. , presumed leader of the group, who resides in Ciudad Caribia. Marín planned the flight after observing the movements of members of the Cuban delegation, according to police reports.

The woman was responsible for bringing the criminals of Valles del Tuy to commit the crime. With the money stolen from the doctors they bought a car and a motorcycle

The seized vehicles are a Daewo Sky, DH368T plates, 2 Chevrolet Chevettes, blue, plates AFG473JK and AAV52T, and a motorcycle Outlook, black , plates AA0187T. Another vehicle seized is a white taxi that was used to transport the criminals.

The attackers were 126 doctors housed in a temporary camp, at the entrance to Ciudad Caribia, on the Caracas-La Guaira road. They robbed them of $ 152,000 and 30,000 Cuban pesos, plus cell phones, on July 1 at 1 am. Of these health professionals, 99 had just arrived from Cuba.

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