Consternation in Nicaragua after the aggression against the bishops inside the church


Managua – The physical aggression suffered by the bishops in a basilica in the town of Diriamba in Nicaragua on Monday caused consternation in the country and blurred the national dialogue that would overcome the crisis that claimed at least 320

In addition to this aggression against the Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and the Apostolic Nuncio Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag among others, executed by a parapolitical group linked to the government of the President Daniel Ortega a Catholic temple in the city of Jinotepe (Pacific) was desecrated by another group of paramilitaries

The Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua mediator and witness of the national dialogue, suspended Monday the tables created to overcome the crisis in the country due to the physical aggression suffered by the religious.

The episcopate had cited at the verification and security table, as well as at the electoral table, but not at justice, to resume the dialogue, however chose to postpone the two working tables after the events of Diriamba.

a group of parapolicies violently broke into the Basilica of San Sebastián, where attacked several bishops and journalists, among them the Apostolic Nuncio Cardinal Brenes and Bishop Silvio Báez

The aggression took place when the bishops went to Diriamba to release a group of missionaries Franciscans and nurses besieged by parapolices in the temple

The situation arose after a delegation of the Catholic Church, accompanied by the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights The man (ANPHD), entered the central square of Diriamba, whose basilica was surrounded by some 200 paramilitary and paramilitary hooded, as well as dozens of heavily armed police and some of them they too, their faces covered

Efe could see that when the ecclesiastical delegation arrived, the uniformed officers disappeared. give way to hundreds of masked civilians and supporters of President Ortega.

"We felt this action, hard, strong and brutal against our priests, we have never seen anything like it in Nicaragua and it's really sad " says Brenes, also Archbishop of Managua, after a prayer that they made in the Metropolitan Cathedral.

"We went to parishes not to do violence, but to comfort our priests, to accompany them in suffering, however, we received this aggression we suffered for Christ," says Brenes.

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