Mark Zuckerberg is now the third richest person on the planet


Everybody would have thought that Facebook would go through difficult times after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. But no; Mark Zuckerberg and his company

A publication of Bloomberg's colleagues has just revealed that Mark Zuckerberg became in the third richest man in the world. Overcoming the Nabob Warren Buffet ; after his fortune reached 81,600 million US dollars.

The value of Facebook

This achievement would have been due to a recent increase in the value of Facebook. After a 2.4% increase in the cost of social network shares.

The difference between the fortunes of Buffet and Zuckerberg is "fair" of $ 373 million. But the young man still has a long way to go to reach the leaders of the list: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

In fact, the two tech entrepreneurs snatched the top spot from among them. But today, the owner of Amazon is the absolute king, with a fortune of 142 billion dollars. While Gates only has 94.2 billion US dollars in the bank

a parallel factor that would have supported Mark's rise would be Buffet himself. That in recent years has diluted his fortune in various acts of charity.

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