Lightning Network increases its capacity up to 50 BTC while adding new nodes


From the beginning, the Lightning Network (LN) was designed as the most effective solution to solve the scalability problems that Bitcoin presents. Although we remember, this was created an alternative layer, consisting of a set of channels and nodes that support large volumes of transactions in less time; even so, some disadvantages remained, such as the fact that only a few funds could be processed in simultaneous transactions.

However, according to the estimates of #recksplorer, the network has increased more compared to the figures of the month of June. , not only in the number of nodes and channels enabled, but also in the amount of money that can be routed. In this regard, it has been determined that it currently has more than 2,400 nodes and 5,800 channels, through which it is possible to transfer up to 57 bitcoins (BTC), representing approximately $ 370,000. US.

These figures imply an increase of 130%, considering that the network had a maximum capacity of 30 bitcoins. Another factor is the number of nodes in the main network, which exceeded those created in the beta phase of the project (testnet) in March 2018.

It should also be noted that its origin stems from the problem of the problem. Bitcoin blockchain scalability, which processes about seven transactions per second, with a maximum size of 1 MB for each block in the chain, affecting the performance of financial operations and creating slowness and transit through the business process.

Given the above, we return to what has been published on other occasions in Coincrispy:

The idea behind Lightning Network is that not all transactions should be recorded in the main blockchain of Bitcoin immediately. If there are frequent transactions between two or more people, with Lightning Network, a payment channel will be created outside the blockchain so that these small transactions can be made faster and without too much expense. In this way, the operations that will be recorded in the blockchain following the traditional steps are the opening and closing of the payment channel.

An incredible fact recently reported – which greatly contributed to the increase of the network – was the creation of the largest node of the LN network; created by the CEO of Cryptocurrency Analysis and Critical Site & # 39; & # 39 ;, Andreas Brekken, the so-called & quot; King of the knots & quot ;, recorded a transaction volume of 50 thousand dollars, which implies 15% of the total capacity of the LN network.

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