Home Remedies for Intestinal Parasites


Whatever the home remedy for the pests you choose is that you combine it with the treatment indicated by your doctor

It is known that to keep intestinal parasites at bay the best, in addition to following good hygiene habits, avoid eating on the street, is dewormed at least twice a year. However, this does not exempt us from suffering from intestinal parasites.

According to specialists, the main symptoms of intestinal parasites are itching in the vagina or anus, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, problems of reconciliation. sleep and anxiety.

If you suspect that you have intestinal parasites, do not hesitate to go to the doctor as soon as possible so that you can check, diagnose and indicate the treatment to be followed to eliminate intestinal parasites.

But in parallel, and always under the supervision of your doctor, you can use these home remedies for intestinal parasites, they are super effective!

Remedy 1


– 1 tablespoon of anise seeds

– 1 cup of water


Boil water and boil, add the aniseed seeds and leave a few minutes. Remove from the tap, filter and take a cup after each meal.

Remedy 2


– 500 grams of honey

– 100 grams of pumpkin pulp

– 500 grams of garlic powder

– 1 liter d 39 water

Preparation [19659003] Boil the liter of water, add the pumpkin pulp and wait until half of the water is consumed. Remove from heat, add garlic and let stand an hour. Sweeten with honey and pressure. Take two tablespoons of fasting a day.

Remedy 3


– 1 glass of milk

– 2 tablespoons castor oil


Put the milk warm, wait until you reach the end of the day. it warms up, add the two tablespoons of castor oil, stir well and take empty stomach.

Whatever home remedy for pests you choose is that you combine it with the treatment indicated by your doctor, take it at least every three days and you will forget the intestinal parasites of any definitively.

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