Missions Robinson, Ribas and Inces graduated 743 students in Carabobo


As part of the inclusion policies implemented by the Bolivarian government, the joint graduation ceremony was held on Tuesday during which 743 students from different forms of training and apprenticeship have received their diplomas.

At the official ceremony held at the headquarters of the Institute of Training and Socialist Education (INCES), located on Avenida Lara in Valencia, Carabobo State, Guyen Soto, Director General of INCES in Carabobo, who said that he felt very happy to "receive our technical and technical graduates, Mission Robinson, Ribas and the Ministry of Education, honoring the student work that animates the revolutionary government in its call for inclusion policy. "

"We believe that it has been a beautiful action, where young people and adults holding hands have expressed tears, joys, because it has been a fight of them, of one Achieved goal After much suffering and that we are sure was a new impetus for them to continue their studies and strengthen the productive capacities of the state and therefore of the country, "he said.

With regard to INCES programs, under Soto informed that in this cohort graduates Bachelor Media Technicians in the field of computer and administration, as well as mathematics and oil .

"In a way, it encourages young people to study high school and learn a trade. To finish the director general of INCES in Carabobo, he noted that," in the last three years , we have increased the enrollment rate of the technical high school and it has been great, because of 100, we now have more than 700, I encourage young people to frequent our facilities and to prepare for the future. Today 's act is a sign of inclusion by the INCES, the Missions and the Ministry of Education, together we can do more, is the Our president Maduro, "he said.

There is no age to study Graduates have expressed satisfaction with the titles obtained and have called all the people who want to improve in life.This is the case of Alirio Carusí, student of the Ribas mission, who assured that "for the elderly and young people, go ahead, if we we can, we can all become high school graduates, no matter what age and under what conditions they are, we have to support them.I am proud to get this title. "

Similarly, Irmaris Rojas said that "today, I am receiving my title thanks to the Bolivarian Revolution, I am still engaged in future paths and with many objectives to be achieved. , young people who are fighting for their dreams, never say no, continue. If there are opportunities in Venezuela, I am already an average technician and I stay in my country to go ahead, we must do everything on our side. "

José Hernández expressed pride in having triumphed in high school." Thanks to the resources brought to us by the Bolivarian Revolution, thanks to Commander Chávez, who promoted the Mission System for the Education of All. those who were excluded. With this education we have received, we bring a grain of sand to solidify socialism, since our educational centers are close to home, do not miss this opportunity, leave your home and study, educate yourself. "

Gobernación Carabobo Officiel

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