"Hooyah!": Who are they and what do we know about the rescuers who made the exploit possible in the cave of Thailand?


  Group of Foreign Rescuers

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Foreign divers played a key role in the difficult rescue operation: (Ivan Karadzic, second on the right, Erik Brown, third on the right).

Coordinated by Narongsak Osotthanakorn, chief of the rescue operation, a team composed of elite Thai navy forces and rescuers from several countries realized something that seemed impossible: to make them healthy and sound. the 12 children and their trainer who was trapped in a flooded cave in northern Thailand

The group was trapped in Tham Luang cave on June 23 and was found by British divers 9 days later.

From that moment, a team formed by dozens of professional divers began a risky operation that culminated Tuesday with the rescue of all trapped persons.

  • The extraordinary rescue of the children of the cave in Thailand in 12 images

One of the Thai divers, Saman Gunan, 38 years old, drowned last Friday while He was bringing oxygen to the trapped group.

And local authorities offered little information about the people involved and what everyone did, mainly because the majority of rescuers showed reluctant to comment.

But here we tell you what we know of some of them up to now

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Facebook / Mikko Paasi

Image caption [19659005] To get out all the guys trapped in the cave, three rescue missions were needed.

Narongsak Osotthanakorn, the head of the operation

Narongsak Osotthanakorn is the governor of Chiang Rai, the area where the cave is located, and led the rescue operation which resulted in a great success. 19659007] He is the father of two daughters and his wife, Jinjana, told the BBC that his younger colleagues consider him a strict, rigid and hard-working boss . And not only is he addicted to work, but also to studies: Narongsak, 54, has four degrees in civil engineering, law, technology and public administration.

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Narongsak Osotthanakorn (center) successfully led the rescue operation.

In addition to being f one of Sherlock Holmes and the Japanese comic "Detective Conan" Narongsak uses in his work ideas that he has taken from Hollywood movies like " Crimson Tide "(1995) and the series" Mission Impossible, "especially when it comes to putting someone in the test in a crucial situation.

Narongsak likes to test himself by solving difficult problems. Before reaching the field, always study and perform exhaustive research to arrive at a correct plan.

More importantly, adequate communication and teamwork always come first for him. The rescue operation of the football team has shown

"He never gives up or loses hope, he values ​​the integrity and likes to do things directly, "added Jinjana.

Many members of Thailand's Special Forces participated in the rescue operation.

The most notable are a doctor – known as Pak Loharnshoon – and three volunteer divers whose names are unknown, but who offered to keep him company after their discovery.

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Facebook / Thai Navy Seals

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The last to leave Tham Luang cave were three divers and a doctor, all members of elite forces of the Thai Navy.

In a video posted on the Navy's Facebook page, Pak is seen slightly injuring one of the miners inside the cave.

And four members of the Thai navy's elite forces were last to leave the cave on the night of that Tuesday.

The work of the Thai special troops was led by Admiral Arpakorn Yuukongkaew, who was responsible for informing the press about the advance of the rescue operation.

"We did not think we could do this. " Arpakorn told the BBC

that the Thai team popularized the cry "Hooyah! ", using it to Celebrate every successful moment of the operation until the happy ending.

John Volanthen and Richard Stanton

John Volanthen's voice was the first that the children and their coach heard after nine days trapped.

  • Why the children were trapped in the Thai cave and 4 other questions about the case that attracted the & 90 39 39 39? attention of the world

He and his British partner Richard Stanton were contacted by the Thai authorities, as well as Robert Harper, another British expert in the caves

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The rescue could take weeks or even months

The trio arrived in Thailand three days later

Volanthen (an information technology consultant) and Stanton (an ancie n bomber) are members of South and Mid Wales Cave Rescue [19659050] (Rescue Team in the Caves of South and Central Wales)

Both Have experience in rescue operations in flooded caves, in countries such as Norway and France. Mexico. [19659029] Richard Harris

Dr. Richard Harris, an Australian national, has dozens of years of diving experience and would have been one of the last rescuers to leave the cave.

He also examined the children inside. from the cave and gave the green light for the rescue operation to be carried out. If the children had been too weak, an attempt at dive rescue would have been too dangerous.

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The help of Dr. Harris was explicitly requested by many of the divers.

According to some media reports, Dr. Harris also has experience in diving cases in countries like Australia, China, and New Zealand.

He is an expert in anesthesia and medical expert for expeditions and rescue operations.

And it is thought that his help in the operation of the Thai cave was specifically requested by British divers.

In 2011 Harris saved the body of a friend – the experienced diver Agnes Milowka – who ran out of oxygen for a period difficult. shipping south of Australia.

And although this time the rescue was much happier, the Australian doctor could not celebrate long, since his father died shortly after the operation.

Saman Gunan

The sailor Saman Gunan is an ex-Thai sailor who volunteered to save the group.

On July 6, while leaving the cave of Tham Luang, Gunan lost consciousness when he ran out of oxygen and died.

Paradoxically, he came in to bring oxygen tanks to children

  • A diver dies in the rescue operations of children trapped in a cave in Thailand

] Poom Pui

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Saman Gunan died during salvage operations.

Your diving partner tried to revive him but could not.

"We will not stop our mission," said one of his colleagues. "We will not allow the sacrifice of our friend to be in vain"

  • Who was Saman Kunan, the dead diver carrying oxygen to the children trapped in a cave in Thailand

Ben Reymenants

Ben Reymenants runs a diving shop in Phuket. It is believed that he was part of the group that found the children .

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Ben Reymenants, with Governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn and Maksym Diver Polejaka.

Claus Rasmussen

Claus Rasmussen is a Dane who traveled for years in Thailand, working for various diving schools

He is currently an instructor at Blue Label Diving, Ben's company Reymenants.

He dipped and worked in several places in Asia

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Mikko Paasi shared a photo on Facebook of Claus Rasmussen inside the cave.

Mikko Paasi

This Finn is the founder of a diving center on the small island of Koh Tao, where he specializes in missions in caves and shipwrecks.

July 2 On the day the boys and their trainer were found, Mikko's wife wrote on Facebook that she had bought the plane ticket for her husband join the rescue mission on the same day of his eighth wedding anniversary . ]

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Mikko Paasi is one of the many divers who participated in the rescue.

Ivan Karadzic

Ivan Karadzic moved to Koh Tao a few years after Mikko Paasi and now they are working together at Dive Center

Karadzic spoke to the BBC about the fear he felt when he saw the diver He brought the first child without knowing if the boy was alive.

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The testimony of a diver who participated in the rescue of Thai children trapped

On his Facebook profile Karadzic also left a message for Gunan, the diver who died in the operation : "Rest in peace, you are a hero and we will never forget your sacrifice."

Erik Brown

Erik Brown is a Canadian technical diving instructor.

He began to dive a decade and co-founded the Blue Immersion team, a technical diving school in Egypt.

Tuesday night, he wrote on his Facebook wall that he did seven dive missions in nine days that accumulated 63 hours inside Tham Luang cave.

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Erik Brown, Mikko Paasi and Claus Rasmussen celebrated the rescue of children and of their coach.

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