Polycystic ovary syndrome, a random disease among women


During puberty and adolescence Nancy had irregular menstrual periods, excessive hairs and a constant struggle with no weight loss results; the cause of his problems was discovered in a medical diagnosis: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Like Nancy, "any woman who starts her period up to menopause can manifest this syndrome," because she "is" said Zarela Chinolla Arellano, specialist in gynecology of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Chinolla Arellano reported that the syndrome incorporates several clinical features, the main one being menstrual disorders, that is, the delay of the cycle by beyond 40 days, even for periods of three or more years. six months to almost a year.

An adequate menstrual cycle would have the characteristics of being every 25 to 35 days, with two to seven days of bleeding, four to five towels a day or no more than 80 milliliters in the menstrual cup during the entire period.

"If you do not have these characteristics, it would be a given to go to the doctor," said the special

The second manifestation of the syndrome is derived from the elevation of androgens (hormones male sex that are normal in low amounts in women): increased hair, tendency to obesity mainly in the abdomen and acne even in the adult stage

And the third manifestation is the l & rsquo; Excess follicles or cysts in the ovaries, whose presence is normal in the first days of the cycle so that one of them will grow, generate ovulation and then disappear or be fertilized .

However, in patients with PCOS "there are so many (follicles) that no one grows, does not allow ovulation, so they have problems getting pregnant or having regular menstrual cycles, "says the obstetrician

Nancy 20 years old She recalls that at the age of 15, she was already struggling with the syndrome that was previously unknown to her, as well than that of her family, which caused her personal and social problems

"I did not concentrate," said the young woman when talking about her school performance in high school, because "I had a lot of Insecurity, I thought I was going to have cancer or that I could not have children. "

Understand that, because of the syndrome, the young woman he had trouble losing weight, he changed his life: "Even though I had always maintained a healthy diet and exercise, I did not find it easy to lose weight. realized that I needed to work harder, "says Nancy. thanks to the treatment I started losing weight, as does a normal person, so I felt good and my self-esteem began to grow. "

The treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome varies according to the case of each woman, a condition which is not known to whom it will give, it is convenient that they carry the diagnosis and are in the constant revisions, "said the specialist.

In some women it is sufficient to maintain a specific diet and exercise routine, in other cases they require hormonal treatment, because the syndrome triggers elevation, transient or permanent , androgens.

Therefore, Dr. Zarela Chinolla Arellano pointed out that it is important to see the doctor when it detects something unusual, so for example, "if a patient with the syndrome has the chance to find pregnancy but has never been treated, it increases the risk of hypertensive diseases, spontaneous abortions and gestational diabetes, "he said. 19659002] The specialist concluded that although polycystic ovarian syndrome affects between 6 and 8% of women internationally and is irreversible, "you can perfectly control to lead a normal life.

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