Now YouTube is doing secret searches


Photo: Youtube

( Caracas, July 11. News24 ) .- Unlock your smartphone and open the YouTube app. You do a secret search, the one you do not want that we discover. Unfortunately, what you have written remains saved in the application. How to avoid it? The answer is in a function called incognito mode that YouTube has started to activate on all Android devices .

As the incognito mode in Google Chrome (which you often use often), the video application will not record a single activity you are doing. In this way, the most discreet users will have the opportunity to keep a record impeccable.

To access the function, simply touch the circle that surrounds your profile picture in the upper right corner of your smartphone and you will find an option to Enable Incognito Mode. When you have decided to activate it, you will receive an announcement saying "it is possible that your employer, school or ISP can see the activities anyway" and voila, you will have the mode incognito ready at work . 19659004] To information of ComputerHoy

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