This is the best way to prevent summer herpes


Photo: Salud180

(Caracas, July 11, News24) .- Cold sores are very annoying throughout the year. Not only are they unsightly, but they can be painful and always involve being very careful with possible infections. It's even more annoying in the summer, when one wants to be more carefree or enjoy the sun and holidays if one has .

However, this time of year is one of the most favorable for these injuries to appear Therefore, it is necessary to know what causes them, how we can prevent them and what are the care that we should have when they appeared.

What is herpes labialis

There are several types of diseases. Among them are shingles – caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox – and herpes simplex . The latter can be type I or type II, which we know as genital herpes.

Type I or cold sores is a period of herpes simplex and is most common during the summer months
. Type I is the place where we find the most common cold sores. According to some estimates, 67% of the population suffers from this virus. Once it is caught – usually by oral contagion both directly and through objects – the virus never goes away. The wounds or blisters that appear appear intermittently, but when they are healed, the virus stays dormant in the body until the next reactivation.

Why is herpes more reactivated in the summer

There are several reasons why the virus can be reactivated and annoying lesions appear on our lips. Among them, we find having gone through a period of stress, having low defenses or the existence of temperature changes .

The latter is one of the factors that can influence the fact that we suffer more heat in the summer because with exposure to the sun, air conditioners or sea water or the pool we experience many temperature changes on a regular basis.

But this is not the only reason that influences the appearance of annoying herpes Prolonged exposure to the violet rays of the sun can cause the virus to reactivate in the body because inflammation of the mucous membranes that it can cause. Therefore, we must be especially careful when we take the sun with areas where blisters usually appear.

How to prevent the onset of herpes in the summer

It is difficult to predict when the herpes virus will be reactivated and for this reason it is complicated to prevent . However, there are some things we can do to make summer not a trigger.

One of the steps we can not jump is to put sunscreen on the area where the wounds appear: in this case the lips. The sunscreen will help the purple rays not to ignite the mucous membranes and the virus will not develop . This is not only useful to do in the summer months, it is also recommended for those who tend to ski and are predisposed to developing herpes.

What Care Should We Follow When It Has Already Been Developed

Although they will not cure us, low-dose antivirals can help relieve symptoms and accelerate the healing of blisters and lesions

Antivirals can help relieve symptoms and heal wounds faster
In addition, we must be careful with cleansing. Thus, for example, it is advisable to wash your hands frequently so as not to spread the infection of our lips to other parts of the body as the eyes.

We should try to use the same glass and fork and not share them with other people, so that they do not seem infected. Of course, we must avoid touching the injury as much as possible and it is not advisable to kiss another person or to have sex that involves biaxial contact while the injury is active. .

Otherwise, as long as we maintain a minimum of care, and protect the affected area with care, we can continue to live a normal life and enjoy the pleasures of the summer .

Based on information from Vitonica .

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