Maturín will be another week without water because of the pollution of the Guarapiche River


Maturin. It was not 10 o'clock. Neither six days. Now, it will take another week for the PDVSA workers and regional government officials to remove all the oil that has been dumped into the Guarapiche River after the accident that, since last Friday July 6, left without water to Maturin for the forced paralysis of the Bajo Guarapiche plant

For the third time in less than six days, the governor Yelitza Santaella changes the date of reactivation of the sewage plant that feeds more than 400 thousand inhabitants of the Monegasque capital. and, with this announcement, he extends the mandate of two weeks

This Thursday, July 12, during the broadcast of his radio program, he explains that they have not yet evacuated all the remains of oil which is currently on the shores of Guarapiche. which, for the second time in six years, is contaminated by a new spill in the PDVSA's Jusepín operational complex

The term given by Santaella himself was extended by four days after Sunday, July 8, he reported that the spill was controlled and that it would take them 72 hours to pick up the crude oil from the tributary because they had removed 70% of the thousands of barrels that were poured into the Guarapiche

. of the tributary because they had withdrawn 70% of the thousand barrels that were paid in the Guarapiche, four days later extended the term.

He reiterated that in the emergency plan there were 36 tankers, when he had previously said that they 11 winners, who distribute water in 16 blocks on a daily basis , for the 59 sectors affected by the closure of the plant.

It is a plan in which they carry water to at least eight areas a day, which is qualified as deficient by the Maturineses. Residents of Libertador Avenue have mentioned their disagreement because they do not pass trucks as often as needed to meet their needs.

The hospital does not have water either

One of the institutions affected by lack of water at the university hospital "Dr. Manuel Núñez Tovar "(Humnt), the main center of assistance of the entity to whom the liquid does not reach with enough strength.

Like the rest of the sectors, they will have to settle for tanker trucks, although with attention

Due to the spill, the Office of the Prosecutor 12 on anti-corruption issues requested the detention of four workers from the Jusepín Operational Complex: water and gas managers; Production, a console operator and a panelist who were on duty the day of the accident.

Workers and unions rejected this measure, considering that PDVSA criminalizes the working class, even though they know that this type of the facts are the responsibility of the company for the lack of. maintenance of equipment and facilities.

Fuente Efecto Cocuyo / Photo: @Aguasdemonagas

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