The government tried to boycott the health sector


Caracas .- President of the Venezuelan Medical Federation, Douglas León Natera, said Thursday that the national government has been trying to boycott the nurses' proposals with a series of pay tables that do not come from the government. a legal union but who does not know his name.

In consultation for El Universal pointed out that this table does not have an official newspaper and offices of the Attorney General's Office that legalize the increase.

Natera said that this job dissatisfaction allowed to take on the street what the various health associations did in the hospitals.

In this regard, he reiterated that officially the medical federation has a day of unemployment and that information assemblies are being organized in different states of the country to support it.

The doctor asked President Nicolás Maduro to solve the problem and manage the mechanisms that allow employees in this sector to earn wages that can cover the basic food basket, as well as the provision of public hospitals.

For his part, the president of Sunep-SAS, a union that brings together health workers, Freddy Cañas, informed that the various health associations, as well as the union that chairs and Fetrasalud will meet tomorrow to design the lines of Action to be taken from next week, added that in recent days the Ministry of Health has made deposits that do not reflect the demands, but despite this, they will continue to demand a salary that matches the reality from the country.

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