Police admit to erring in arresting Stormy Daniels


Police in Columbus, Ohio, dismissed charges against porn actress Stormy Daniels after her arrest at a strip-tease club in the city on Wednesday night, claiming that she had made a error.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and who claims to have had an extramarital affair with Donald Trump prior to his arrival at the presidency of the United States, was arrested during a performance at Sirens Club in Columbus , after illegal police officers accusing him of allowing three customers to touch her in "a specific anatomical area".

The indictment against him included three minor charges of unlawful sexual activity

In Ohio, it is forbidden for workers who regularly appear "naked or semi-naked in a business to sexual orientation "to be affected or to touch customers, unless they are members of the family of the dancer or the erotic dancer.

Officers approached Daniels, who was dressed only in a thong, after being seen "using her breasts to slap them with clients in the face" and "stroking clients' breasts", according to an incident report published by local media.

Another officer who was at the back of the premises stood up to arrest Daniels, who was released on bail. The clients (men and women) involved were infiltrated cops.

Daniels reportedly put his breasts in front of a detective before "forcing" a cop's face into his breasts and "slapping him with her naked breasts". The actress remade the same thing with another policeman after "caressing" her buttocks and her chest, the prosecution said.

The TMZ site reports that "club-related sources told them that the officers were waiting in the back of the club until Stormy took the stage, pretending to be there." wait. "

" However, the police say they were on the scene to investigate allegations of prostitution and drug trafficking, "clarifies the publication

  Michael Avenatti, lawyer for Stormy Daniels

Michael Avenatti, lawyer for Stormy Daniels.

The charges were dropped Thursday after Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, alleged that there was a "politically motivated" montage against the actress.

Avenatti announced on Twitter that the charges had been "withdrawn in their entirety" and thanked the prosecutors for their "professionalism".

Avenatti and Daniels had announced a new presentation Thursday at the Sirens Club where was arrested "My client refuses to be intimidated," he said. But then she reported that it would not be the case and that they were looking for another club for it to show itself .

Daniels subsequently announced that it would be introduced at another club in the city because the mermaid owners were afraid to receive it again .

The lawyer, who thanked the police chief for "inappropriate arrests", also demanded an open and thorough investigation into the conduct of agents who arrested Daniels, and a review of their accounts in social networks "(some of which mysteriously were removed earlier today) …".

Avenatti, also claimed that "Some of these accounts seem to have been very pro-Trump". He added: "In the event that we discover that my client was intentionally chosen and arrested because of our opposition to Mr. Trump, the action and the resulting lawsuit will be quick and devastating. is not a threat, it's a promise. " ] Enough ," he said

The State of Ohio decided to classify the Business because " there was no valid reason to proceed in any of the three charges laid ", according to the scanned documents that Avenatti posted on the social network.

The Ohio Law in Under which Daniels was arrested applies to people who "regularly" appear naked or semi-nude in a particular institution.But Daniels has not been regularly introduced to the club, prosecutors said in the application

However, the charges against two other dancers arrested with Stormy Daniels have not been dropped, as Daniels herself reported in a Twitter message in which he promised that the tips that he received would have been good. he would receive at Club Sirens on Thursday night (before the presentation was announced) would give him the right to pay the legal fees of the two women.

Daniels also asked citizens to go out to "support the women working in this city "(Columbus). "#webrownedunited," he writes.

Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs defended the agents who made the arrests at the Sirens Club, stating in a statement that "the officers of the anti-vicious unit are responsible for enforcing the laws that govern the sale of alcohol, nightclubs, massage parlors, human trafficking, noisy properties and other serious violations of the law. "

But at the same time, he qualifies as" reasonable "The presence of the police in the nightclub, Chief Jacobs says in the statement that" the motives behind the agents' actions will be studied internally to ensure that our core values ​​and the obligation to serve our community as best we can be the basis of our actions. "

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