The conflict of Venezuelan health workers continues unresolved with a view


(EFE) .- The labor dispute between the Venezuelan state and health workers who claim "decent wages" is still insoluble after these 18 days of public protests from doctors, nurses and workers in the midst of the country's serious economic crisis.

The toilets, which this Thursday returned to appear in the streets of several cities, held in Caracas an assembly in which they agreed to intensify their protests by proposing a table of income that varies between 200 ( 7,420 or 356 euros depending on the exchange rate used) and 420 minimum wages (15,583 or 748 euros).

Currently, the Venezuelan minimum wage is 5 196 000 bolivars (between 36 and 1, 7 euros) per month, which is not enough to buy a kilo of detergent.

Nicolás Maduro has now responded to the protests of the last 3 weeks by paying bonuses of 9 to 28 million bolivars.

"We demand that the government starts the table with 200 minimum wages and closes with 420 minimum wages," said the president of the Venezuelan Medical Federation (FMV), Douglas León Natera, to reporters

. It was proposed by the FMV only a few days ago for doctors working in public centers, but yesterday health workers agreed that the lowest monthly income in the sector started at 200 minimum wages.

This request has not yet been formally presented to the government of President Nicolás Maduro, who has responded to the demonstrations of the last 3 weeks by paying bonuses between 9 (64 or 3.08 euros) and 28 million bolívares (199 or 9.4 euros) to the employees of the sector. 19659003] "We will not accept gifts, but a (just) salary," added León Natera

Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet, suffered a serious economic crisis that is resulting in a shortage of staple foods and medications as well as by hyperinflation, a phenomenon that has sprayed the purchasing power of workers, as has been said by the government. Nurse Sandy Pérez, 49, in Efe

he reached me for nothing (…), at any professional nurse, has two or three jobs, it happens to us for nothing "[19659010"Ihavetwojobsanditdoesnotreachmeatall()anyprofessionalnurseshavetwoorthreejobswehavenothing"saidPerezwhosaidhewasfeeling"sad"aboutthecrisisinthearea

In the same line, he told Efe the doctor Moraima Hernández, of Maternidad Concepción Palacios, who declared that the demonstration "begins with hunger". "They are trying to manipulate the workers with hunger," he said.

According to Hernández, the Venezuelan government "divided" health workers and agreed to raise wages with union representatives. "

" The demonstrations will be the necessary days, we will continue to protest. "

Similarly, health workers reiterated their staffing requirement to hospitals, as they ensure that in most of them there are not even syringes

. Natera, the country's major hospitals account for just over 10% of staff.

Health workers also reiterated their demand for hospitals, claiming that in most of them, there are no more than 10% of staff. 39, there is not even a hospital.

"It's a protest for life," he said.

Natera himself said the protests were spreading to 19 of the 24 federal entities in the country.require wages that can cope with the daily inflation of 2.8% and other consequences of the economic crisis.

Through social networks, videos and photographs of protests registered in several Venezuelan states circulate daily, organized mainly by workers of the Sa Electricians and university professors

This Thursday, several audiovisuals reported protests from the health sector in the states of Bolívar (south), Cojedes (center) and Aragua (north-central). Metro workers in Caracas, whose service has faced several problems in recent months, and employees of 18 public universities in the country have protested to demand better incomes.

In addition, Caracas metro workers, whose service has been facing the past few months, and employees at 18 public universities across the country have protested to demand better incomes.

In the case of university students, today they will complete 48 hours of a new strike face to face.

Unless paying premiums that do not affect salary calculations, the Venezuelan government did not respond to these demonstrations with proposals worthy of analysis by the workers .


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