Meet Kimbho, the new email service that will compete with WhatsApp


Kimbho offers its users video calls, sending audio messages, stickers and images

Whatsapp is the most used messaging application in the world, so far none has been able to compete but a new one has come out on the market that could be its biggest competitor.

Kimbho is an email service that already has 300,000 users with a few hours on Google Play in its beta or trial version.

Among his similarities with Whastapp, Kimbho offers his users video calls, sending audio messages, stickers and pictures.

Another similarity with WhatsApp? His name, not phonetically, but in its meaning. While the word in English is used as a greeting, the phrase "kimbho" is used in the same way in Sanskrit.

Baba Ramdev, its developer and yoga guru India, told local media that in a few months will certainly be ready to launch the application "During the test phase of the application, we received a lot However, we were still in pilot phase and preparations are underway.We need two more months to complete the configuration of the application, because we have to analyze the complexity of managing large amounts of user traffic. "


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