Pompeo engages in Mexico to fight corruption and violence | In the world


  Photo: EFE

Photo: EFE

2001.com.ve | EFE

Secretary of State of the United States Mike Pompeo today declared that his government and Mexico committed to working "closely" in trade and security issues and border, after a meeting at which it was reaffirmed that the two countries are "neighbors, partners and friends".

"Mexico is a regional and global partner and can serve as an example El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to reduce insecurity and violence, and thereby improve economic opportunities and fight against corruption, "said Pompeo in a brief message to the media at the headquarters of the Chancellery .

In this way, it will be possible" to reduce the migration that undermines security in the United States. United States and Mexico. "

A delegation headed by Pompeo went to Mexico on Friday to meet the current president, Enrique Peña Nieto and the elected president, And res Manuel López Obrador who is the first face-to-face approach of the left-wing leader with the US government.

The government of Donald Trump "will continue to work very closely with President Peña Nieto on a big name common issues such as trade relations, security, the border and the different issues that affect both countries, "said Pompeo in this message to the media with the Mexican Chancellor, Luis Videgaray

Pompeo said the United States "committed" to advance security on both sides of the border and was fighting to "dismantle" criminal organizations that traffic in drugs, weapons and people.

responsible for the production of violence and we must stop them in both countries. "

He acknowledged that drug demand is mainly in the United States and" destroys "communities, and that's why Trump wants to fight He will also ensure that the United States seeks to put day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to "support traffic within and outside its borders."

"To American workers, a "key" goal for Trump.

He also congratulated the country for the July 1 presidential elections, which he called "historic" because they demonstrated "Mexico's commitment to democracy" .

He stated that the US government hopes to work with López Obrador after taking office on 1 December.

With Pompeo, Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin ; Secretary of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen and Step-Son and Counselor to the President, Jared Kushner .

In turn, the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed that the meeting today (19659005) He explained that at the Los Pinos official residence, President Peña Nieto spoke with Pompeo on . ] NAFTA and the need for success in renegotiation.

The President reiterated Mexico's "great concern" about the immigration policy of separating migrant children from their families.

It was constructive and helpful to continue to make progress on the issues of bilateral relations, "added Videgaray

.Finally, he explained that during the transition period between the Mexican governments, he will work as" a united front "For the good of Mexico."

At 15:15 local time, Videgaray receives at the headquarters of the Chancellery his counterpart Pompeo and Jared Kushner, with whom he holds a working meeting on migration, security and trade, reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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