They assure that Ford Motor will stop producing four models in the country


Caracas.- Ángel Pandares, Secretary of Training of the Ford Motor Union of Venezuela, informed that the company will cease to assemble four of its star models from here. Year 2019.

Among them are, said the union representative, the Ford Explorer, the 350 trucks, the Cargo 1721 and the Fiesta.

"The assembly schedule of this car company is the lowest in the history of the company," said the unionist

. On behalf of the factory assembly management, there is no statement of closure of the plant, but workers fear for the measure, he said .

Sales in the first half of 2018

automobiles in the country, registered a decline of 38.4%; passing 1,284 total sales units in the six months elapsed from 2018 compared to 2,083 units in the same period of 2017.

This information is clear reports Cavenez and Favenpa where they indicate that the sale of assembled vehicles in the country accumulated at the end of the first half of 2018, totaled 833 units, which implies a decrease of 38.8% over the same period of 2017, when they reached to sell 1 360 vehicles assembled in the country.

On the other hand, imported vehicles decreased by 37.6%, compared to 451 vehicles imported in the first half of 2018, compared with 723 vehicles imported in the same period of 2017.

document stands out among the leading importers of vehicles at the end of the year. first half of 2018, are the individuals, with 98.4% of the total market of imported vehicles, on the other hand the vehicle assemblers in the country with 1.1% of the import and 0.5% by the commercial sector.

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