Cédric Grolet, King of the World Pastry | World


The fishery is flat, rough, perfect. Cut with a spoon, this chocolate-based preparation breaks, overflowing with textures of this fruit, allied with verbena. It is signed by Cédric Grolet, "best pastry chef of the world", with a million subscribers in Instagram .

On June 20, the reference list "The 50 best in the world" awarded him the world's number 1 bakery, having revolutionized it mainly with his fruit in trompe l 'oeil, an explosion of natural flavors of fruits and spices worked in light textures – mousse, jam, gelatin -, just sweetened.

This week, his narrative at Instagram the most popular of French gastronomy, reaches the magic number of a million subscribers. The well-known and well-known leader Cyril Lignac is still far behind, with more than 400,000 subscribers less

On his showcase page, Grolet exhibits his almost artistic creations, some of them seen more a million times: the famous fruits -fresh, pears, tangerines …-, the splendid apple pies in the shape of a rose, or his "cake" of Rubik, a composition of small dice of colors and flavors.

"Undressing the pastry"

Its mission: "undressing the bakery", entrusts November November to AFP Grolet. "The idea is to remove the biscuit, the eggs, the useless taste and focus on the fruit."

Alain Ducasse, one of the most prestigious chefs in the world and owner of the restaurant Le Meurice, who encouraged him to "work the taste".

"The visual attracts the customer the first time, the taste is what makes it come back," said Grolet at the head of a team of 25 pastry chefs, in this luxurious Parisian hotel.

Son of a truck driver and a barber, Grolet began his restoration at the age of 13 thanks to his grandfather, who ran a hotel. In the summer, he participated in the fruit harvest in the agricultural fields.

"One day, a farmer gave me a box of strawberries, I turned it into" strawberry ", a cake of sponge cake, cream and strawberries, explained this chef de la Loire (center-east).

As an apprentice in a pastry-bakery, "I made bread all night to arrive at the dessert hour in the morning and take care strawberries, cut apples … it was the reward. "

A first mini-shop

After having passed the pastry school and won several competitions, he arrived in Paris at the Aged 20, where he first works at Fauchon, emblem of luxury gastronomy

For seven years, Grolet has accumulated awards, such as that of "pastry chef of the year" from the Gault Millau Guide 2018, and the fans of Instagram

"It's good to make cakes, but you have to know how to communicate. "" I do a lot of pictures before posting one "on the social network, he confides.

In his travels abroad to give master classes, he stays in touch with his team. "Drawing, I work when I'm in the plane, I send everything I have in my head, when I go to the restaurant, I send them the dishes, the desserts , I offer them ideas. "

His ambition is to establish himself around the world" with a dozen institutions. "For the moment, he has just opened a lowercase shop at the corner of the Meurice, which from the outside only holds the attention because of the long tails that form.

Halfway between "a laboratory and a shop", l & # 39; The place presents a virtually empty showcase, with only a few elegant fruit cakes.Creations are made according to the demand of the day and when the latter is sold, the store closes. [19659019] The exclusive menu is very limited and the prices, consequent: from 5 euros the "cookie" to 170 euros the "cake" of Rubik in large format, through the trompe l? Oeil fishing, to 15 euros.

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