Earthquake in Japan: Cats have detected a few seconds before it happens


A few seconds before the mighty magnitude 6.1 earthquake that shook Japan on June 17, a group of cats resting in what appears to be a manger in Osaka, felt that They did.

In the images circulating in the networks, we see cats hiding while others fled a few seconds before the earthquake.

On the day of the earthquake in Wakayama city, Osaka, the telluric movement left four people dead, including a nine-year-old girl

Throughout history we have expressed in the literature the supposed ability of animals, such as cats or dogs. , to detect earthquakes and other natural disasters. However, scientists have not been able to explain the relationship between animal species and the arrival of a tremor.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the German Geoscience Research Center (GMZ) collected 729 unusual animal behavioral reports, prior to the arrival of 160 tremors. The scientific report detected these unusual behaviors in dogs, cats and cattle, although there were also cases involving tigers, lions and even silkworms.

The conclusion of the German Geoscientific Research Center is as follows. none of the detected observations could be taken into account, none of them having followed a valid scientific procedure, that is to say that no previous or subsequent analysis allowed the behavior of the animals to be established in a certain way.

Looking at the video, some people think that cats could have felt the "S" waves of the earthquake, while humans feel those who call themselves "P", who are stronger and move about 1.73 times faster than the previous ones.

You can watch the video by clicking here

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