50.4% of opponents are dissatisfied with MUD and Frente Amplio


Although the majority of the population does not feel satisfied with the government's management, it is not satisfied with the opposition's. This is one of the first conclusions that emerge from the opinion survey conducted by Hercon Consultores between June 28th and July 8th.
This telephone survey of 1 000 people reveals that 16.3% of those questioned confessed their sympathy to President Nicolás Maduro; 31% identified with MUD and Frente Amplio, but 43.8% reported Ni-Ni. 8.7% abstained or did not know what to answer
From this answer, a finding is required: the opposition between the opposition is negative, voters migrate to Ni-Ni and their nature is being configured to radical positions. "The government has divided the opposition and the Ni-Ni perceive that they need new options.There is uncontrolled migration, driven by the economic and political crisis," said Marcos Hernandez, CEO of sounder.
In another question, the behavior of the opposition is involved and that is not going well. When asked, does the Venezuelan opposition work for the well-being of the country? 50.4% said no; 40.5% answered yes and 9% did not answer or did not know what criteria to ask. This question was filtered out for those who opposed the government and Ni-Ni.
60% of respondents do not believe that opposition leaders and their parties are working together for change in Venezuela, according to this study; while 35% perceived it and 4.2% did not know what to answer or did not want to answer.
Orphans. Beyond the observation, it is necessary to give meaning to the perception of the people with this rejection of the opposition. Hernandez pointed out that those who remain in the opposition segment, as well as those who switched to Ni-Ni, do not want to be in the round table of democratic unity nor in the broad front. "Now they are better defined:" I am Ni-Ni. I am neither with the government nor with the MUD, nor with the Broad Front. "
explicitly emphasizes that the opposition is orphaned and is seeking leadership." She is also incredulous and believes that current leaders and the MUD are not working to make an immediate change or make proposals. They are disunited, each one of them, more focused on the economic than on the political. In short, he sees them blurry. "
Hernández explains that moving to the Ni-Ni is a gesture of rebellion." In the concept of a more acute crisis, society feels very dissatisfied with political parties and leaders. When do you start telling the leaders who are the ones who stay? "
The consultant responds: Henrique Capriles, fuzzy, Leopoldo López, in silence, and Henry Ramos Allup, questioned.
His studies show that the only one who remains strong is María Corina Machado, but warns that this n & # It's not a consolidated direction. "People feel that they are in the street. He has moderate external and internal strength. "
Despite this migration of Ni-Ni to the radical sectors, Hernandez emphasized that something more is needed and that it is unity.
" And that's what unity that will allow the channeling of a country and, of course, we must resolve the departure of Nicolás Maduro to solve the economic crisis that overwhelms all Venezuelans without political distinctions. "
Articulation: Felix Seijas, director of Delphos, describes the conditions for the resumption of opposition leadership, first of all he stresses that internal leadership and young people need to be strengthened and, in addition, that actions should not focus on one part and that the internal organization can not be so vertical to be pawns
Consider that it is essential that leadership be articulated with civil society. " Even the opposition has not achieved coherence between the speech and the actions, and does not achieve the trust of the company. The May elections showed that those who called to vote, and those who did not, did not have a plan after the elections, "he said.
María Corina Machado is the only visible leader? Seijas indicates that Machado is the most vehement in the speech, but not in the action. "He goes to the steps and it's a few minutes, as that 39, arrived in the Las Tres Gracias Square of the UCV. His position is radical and therefore striking. The same thing happened at the time with Ramos Allup. Henri Falcon created a block of opposition, but in reality he is a minority and becomes an island, he has no credibility and his power of assembly is weak. "
Please note that since the last half of 2017, and so far this year, the credibility of the opposition has been very low." Its levels are similar to or lower than those of Maduro, but there is no opportunity to raise this ceiling. If people see the possibility of a change, between 60% and 65% would go to vote. This happened in the 2015 parliamentary elections. Some would go to vote because they are in love with the opposition and others because they want to leave Maduro.
The consequences. Disbelief not only pushed Venezuelans to seek new leadership, because they rebel against traditional and non-traditional leaders and parties. "They are waiting for the emergence of new names or, in the case of Maria Corina, must be configured with a real option with a proposal that can transcend."
Hernández observes the importance of motivation, action that must be addressed to who are short of matches, but with clear requirements.
This also resulted in delayed changes. He stressed that political crises do not await leaders or parties, but that new alternative leaders emerge.
He insisted that the wave of protests in the country is not directed by known parties and leaders. But he appreciates that they are afraid that new actors will catch up with them. "People are in rebellion, but intrinsically demanding that a unit be put in place."
Hernandez states two fundamental principles: as long as there is no unity, the change must wait and the fight is from within.
He does not demerit the fight that supports the diaspora of opposition, but stresses that the important thing is to activate or the means that are in the street, because they have to start to move with a peaceful proposal in search of a change.

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