Scientific discovery, detecting a neutrino or "ghost particle"


After years of research, astronomers made a great scientific discovery [VIDEO] that could change the way they study the galaxy. The researchers confirmed the success of Thursday, July 12 in the journal Science claiming that astronomers detected a ghost particle that solved a centennial mystery.

ghosts are also known as "neutrinos"

" Neutrinos are almost massless subatomic particles that have no electric charge and, therefore, rarely interact with their In fact billions of these "ghost particles" pass through his unnoticed and unhindered body every second.

Although they are everywhere , they are incredibly difficult to detect, and scientists have struggled to do so for a long time

Why are ghost particles important?

While most neutrinos originate from of the sun a small percentage has extremely high energies and soared to our planet ] a very, very deep space, a huge black hole. Because neutrinos are almost impossible to detect astronomers have failed to find one to trace back to their origin, until now.

It was discovered by IceCube Neutrino Observatory in South Pole using over five thousand sensors buried more than a mile under ice. These sensors detected a single ghost neutrino by interacting with an atom, then scientists were able to trace the particle to its origin, which was a totally different galaxy: a "distant blazar, a large elliptical galaxy with a black hole turning supermassive fast in his heart . "

For a different project of neutrino detection, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment which was not involved in the research, has stated in Washington Post : "They are very clean, they have simple interactions, and that means that every neutrino interaction tells you something."

In other words, the ghost particles will reveal important and unknown information about the galaxy to those who study them. The only thing is that you must be able to detect them to discover this information. Now that scientists [VIDEO] have done it once, I hope that they will be able to do it again. Schellman says that the pairing of neutrino detections with bright observations could answer unanswered questions about things like " distant cataclysms testing theories about the composition of the Universe and refine their understanding of the astronomer could not only trace the neutrino to its origin, but they also responded to an unresolved mystery: the source of [19459004cosmicrays.

As the site Space states, " cosmic neutrinos go hand in hand with cosmic rays, highly charged energy particles that continually strike our planet" Neutrino detection has allowed scientists to realize that blazars are "accelerators of at least some of the cosmic bands of faster motion ." something that astronomers have asked since 1912 .

Considering the fact that the detection of a neutrino could answer a mystery like that, just We can imagine what the detection of a greater number of between they could reveal about the universe. It's a pretty wild thought. As the physicist of IceCube astroparticles and spokesperson Darren Grant said: "This is a completely new vision of what is happening in the universe. " It's really exciting.

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