Maduro becomes Turkish


According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the Turkish name is given, colloquially, in the state of drunkenness or drunkenness. And, of course, this meaning falls between the fingers of Nicolás Maduro, who undoubtedly presents an intoxication of power that has led to an unprecedented length in the Presidency of the Republic for nearly five years, and this goes from the recurring violation of the national Constitution, called "The bicha" by his putative father, the galactic commander, Hugo Chávez, to unlimited political, social and economic actions that keep the country in a very serious situation and criticism that requires urgent humanitarian assistance "

In our country," becoming a Turk "also means being unattended or turning a blind eye when someone is asked a question and observing something that may to compromise it. Also "catching a Turkish", or what is usually called in Venezuela "a pea", is one of those popular, widely used expressions, the origin of which seems somewhat confusing, being several theories that the experts dare to give. The explanation that links drunkenness to the Turkish word seems to lie in the fact that, in the past, it was usual to water the wine for it to yield more. Ironically, it was said that when water was poured into the wine, "he was baptized" as is done with a newborn according to the Christian tradition. The pure water without water began to be called Turkish, since Turkey did not profess the Christian religion, it was Islamic, and consequently this wine intoxicated much more than that which was diluted with water. Joaquín Bastús in his book The Wisdom of the Nations also related to the Turks and their religion, explains that, as they are forbidden to drink, when they violate this precept, they do so with such excess and exaggeration that they take a drunken prognosis

And this drunkenness, but power, is what Maduro has outside of himself, to the point that he does not even look at it Horizon to observe what he perpetuates almost daily with his (?) Economic, social, economic and military policy. It is not said in international matters, in which, despite being chancellor, he commits the most inadmissible explosions that can be imagined, such as the recurrent attack on Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, formerly his friend and now his visceral enemy that he insults, he offends and offends whenever he has a chance, accusing him of promoting alleged conspiracies to overthrow him.

Not to mention his harsh accusations against the Venezuelan opposition, which he describes as stateless, fraudulent, terrorist, conspiratorial and other epithets with which he flatters himself and shouts with all his fires , in her daily rants that she uses daily with the state media, with the signal of the mother of Venezolana de Televisión, a chain that has become a political trench for the regime and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela , in which they have room for maneuver to cast doubts of opinion in front of which their producers and (?) amuse themselves to insult their opponents political opponents, for whom they use of video montages in which they ridicule their victims.

Maduro becomes Turkish, just like his Cuban counterparts. , Nicaragua, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos and China when dealing with the issue of democracy, a term that causes them hives, as it Is a form of state organization. the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation, which confer legitimacy on their representatives. In short, democracy is a form of social coexistence in which members are free and equal and social relations established through contractual mechanisms.

For something more than a mere friendship with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey recently re-elected, Maduro traveled to this nation to attend the events planned for this reason. In 15 years at the head of the destinies of his country, Erdogan has violently suppressed monstrous demonstrations and faces a bloody coup attempt, for which he has led the country with iron fists since 2003. In the electoral process that he has won, he will have a tailor-made mandate, in accordance with a revision of the Constitution that had already been approved last year.

For some international political observers, Erdogan is an autocrat who carried out massive purges and arrested opponents and journalists. In the West, he is described as an insurmountable sultan and a terrible political animal who has won every election since his party, the AKP, came to power in 2002. Any resemblance to the Maduro regime does not make any sense. is NOT a mere coincidence.

] Why do we point out that Maduro is becoming a Turk simply because he claims to ignore the extreme and serious economic, political and social situation in the country as a result of the measures (?) Adopted by the presiding , which caused the tragedy in which a whole nation is plunged, including anguish and despair for lack of food, medicine, corruption, drug trafficking, insecurity, nepotism Have with the soul in suspense and desperately desperate.

because it does not matter that thousands of companies are closed and that expropriated properties (haciendas, estates and herds) are unproductive and that not even hundreds of expropriated enterprises by the government's sanctuaries have have been lowered because of their mismanagement, and also because it does not take into account the serious consequences of hyperinflation in the economy and refuses to rectify its policy to reverse the deterioration of the quality of life of Venezuelans. [19659004LeTurcestfaitparcequ'ilnesesouciepasdelasituationtristeetdouloureusequedesmilliersdeVénézuéliensfemmeshommesenfantsetpersonnesâgéesviventquotidiennementdansleshôpitauxdupaysenraisondumanquedemédicamentsdefournituresetdetraitementspourdiversesmaladiesIgnorantlademandedelaguildedesmédecinsetdesinfirmièresquidemandentuneaugmentationdeleurssalairesc'estpourquoiilsontétésansemploipendantneufjoursindéfinimentavecunappelàlagrèvenationaleauqueldiversesorganisationsetinstitutionssyndicalesontadhéréMaiselleaaugmentélesalairedel'arméequecertainsconsidèrentcommeextrêmementdisproportionnéparrapportàceluiperçuparlesenseignantsetlesprofessionnelsdedifférentescarrièresuniversitaires

Bishops l & # 39; said during the & # 39; Plenary Assembly of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in a diet is no respect for the people " , at the same time as they called on civil society to demand the restitution of sovereign power

That Maduro does not continue to be Turkish, because the hour of the times began to beat; tac … tic … tac & mldr;

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