Benefits of laurel leaves for health


  Benefits of bay leaves for health. Photo: Pixabay
Benefits of bay leaves for health. Photo: Pixabay

Laurel is a well known plant type because its leaves are used as seasoning in the kitchen, but in addition to the seasoning have many properties and since antiquity were considered as a medicinal plant.

Laurel leaves contain minerals and vitamins, essential for optimal health, and volatile active components, such as a-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, geranyl acetate, eugenol and chavicol, which have antiseptic, antioxidant and digestive properties

Some of its benefits

Laurel may be good for treating l & # 39; Anxiety, because thanks to the chemical compound of the smoke produced by the burning of its leaves generates a calming effect those who recommend it for this purpose warn that this should be done in a moderate way, because the regular inhalation of this smoke may cause hallucinations

Bay leaves are also anti-inflammatory because they contain eugenol, a compound that can act as an anti-inflammatory remedy.

Eugenol also acts as an antioxidant, thus strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from inflammation.

They also contain an excellent source of vitamin A, which is a natural antioxidant and essential for the vision and health of the skin.

Its consumption also favors the functioning of the respiratory system. helps reduce the symptoms of respiratory diseases such as influenza, pharyngitis and bronchitis.

Laurel can also be used to regulate menstrual flow, both for very abundant and reduced flows.

This is a good stimulant that fights fatigue and is used in slimming diets because it is diuretic and eliminates toxins from the body.

Hair health can also be improved with bay leaves as it promotes hair follicles and eliminates dandruff. For this, you must soak the bay leaves in the water and then massage them on the scalp after shampooing.

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