Tanning, even the mildest, damages the skin at the cellular level


The holidays are coming, and with them on days when you like the outdoors, it is important to protect yourself from the sun to avoid burns and damage to the skin, which then reverberate.

Cristina Premerl, aesthetic doctor and specialist in photogenic medicine, explains that any tan, no matter how light, is a burn of the skin, so it is important to protect yourself from the sun's rays, either by going to beach, pool, park or walk in the city.
Indicates that it is important to put sunscreen and that the ideal is to put it half an hour before watching the sun.

"It is important that if you go to a place with water, either the beach or the pool, you should use a sunscreen that is water resistant, so that it adheres more time to the skin and we have to apply it every two years.It is also important that they have a protection factor of 50 or 100 SPF, "says Galena.

If you don & # 39; Do not have sunscreen or if you can not buy some, you have to protect your skin.Elerl emphasizes that it is essential to use hats, hats, umbrellas, sunglasses , shirts and do not forget about hydration.

"It is very important to drink water while you are in the sun, and it is also important to put sunscreen where we do not do it regularly, such as the pinna, the neck, the feet and the backs of the hands. this without forgetting the usual places like the shoulders, the back and the chest.

The specialist emphasizes that special attention should be given to children's skin, since theirs is more delicate and therefore requires more care.
"For children, it is advisable to use sunscreen that has a protection factor greater than 100.

It is also best to use those that are sprayed because when it is Applied, it falls everywhere and does not bother, "he says.
With the smallest of the house, it is advisable to place the protector an hour before arriving at the beach or at the pool and put it back every two hours. In children should be put on any piece of skin that is discovered, but if you must pay attention to the feet, since the skin of them in this part of the body is very delicate and the one that must burn faster as well as the face, the auricular pavilion and the neck.

Similarly, the use of caps, hats, as well as swimsuits that wear camisitas are ideal for putting minors when they are in the sun. as well as stay hydrated.
"It is important to protect from the sun.

A light tan, even a light tan, is a burn on the skin, so there is a damage at the cellular and genetic level, which will cause premature aging of the skin", says the doctor.
He adds that even though sunburns are not created, they are very difficult to manipulate repeatedly and become very uncomfortable for those who have them.

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