Twitter has suspended 58 million accounts by the end of 2017


Twitter suspended at least 58 million of accounts of users in the last three months of 2017 according to data obtained by The Associated Press. The issue highlights the company's recent aggressive stance against malicious or suspicious accounts following Russian misinformation campaigns during the US electoral process in 2016.

The Week Finally, Twitter has confirmed a report of Washington Post stating that there was suspended 70 million from accounts in May and June. The large number raises doubts whether the measures will affect user growth of Twitter and whether the company should have warned investors in advance. The company struggled with the growth of users, compared to rivals like Instagram and Facebook.

The number of suspended accounts came from the " firehose " From Twitter a flow of data available to academics, businesses, and others who are willing to pay for it.

The new issue highlights Twitter 's attempt to improve the "quality of information" in your service, the term you use to handle false accounts, bots misinformation and other malicious incidents. During the 2016 campaign, this activity was endemic in Twitter and other social networks, most of them from the Internet Research Agency a "farm of trolls ] "Russian who was subsequently shut down, involved in electoral manipulation tasks, according to the US Special Prosecutor and Congressional Investigations.

Twitter declined to comment on data But its leaders said their efforts to clean the platform are a priority, while acknowledging that their measures have affected and could continue to affect the number of users.

In April, Twitter said that it had 336 million active users per month, accounting for accounts that were seized at least once in the last 30 days. not so much up edit this number, which increased by 3% over the previous year. Twitter indicates that most of the suspended accounts have been inactive for at least a month and, therefore, have not been included in this number of active users.

Michael Pachter, Stock Market Analyst at Wedbush Securities, He said that last year's cleanup could be part of an inactive account elimination that had little effect on revenue advertising and the activity. But he said that he was predicting that advertising revenue would fall between 1% and 2% because of last week's cleanup, when Twitter said it would remove frozen accounts from the number of fans.


Starting July 12, fake accounts, spam or bots will be deleted

  Twitter disconnects millions of accounts   Twitter rejects millions of accounts

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