Armed with a pickup stolen passengers from a bus


Armed, with escopetín, a delinquent, identified as Joandry Enrique Fernández, 27, climbed a minibus that covers the road El Moján-Maracaibo, Monday at 4:00 in the afternoon, and subjected the passengers with the intention to deprive them of their property.

He was captured a few minutes later by the Bolivarian police from the State of Zulia (Cpbez) in the El Chorro area in Mara.

"A police unit, which was on a Caribbean Trunk safety tour, went through the site at the time the robbery was perpetrated, so we decided to intervene immediately," the police said.

he realized the presence of the police, the thug tried to flee through a mangrove forest; Fernandez was seized from a van, several cell phones and other passenger goods.

He was transferred to the Guajira Police Coordination Center, where he will be detained by order of the Prosecutor's Office 18 of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

"According to the instructions of the regional executive, police units will remain permanently in this area to ensure the safety of users of such an important road," officials said.

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