Eating early reduces the risk of cancer


A study by the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona, ​​and published in the International Journal of Cancer, concludes that eating in the early morning and leaving a two-hour break between dinner and reduced sleep breast cancer risk "People who eat dinner before 9 pm or wait at least 2 hours before going to bed are about 20 percent less likely to develop these cancers than people who eat late at night. 22 hours or those going to bed immediately after dinner, they explained.

Food and cancer studies have always shown what is eaten and not when eaten. Dora Romaguera, one of the researchers in this publication, commented that more studies needed to be done in people to know the reason for the results.

"All indications are that going to sleep affects our ability to metabolize food"

In this study, they selected 621 cases of prostate cancer and 1205 breasts and 872 men and 1321 randomly selected women in different regions of Spain, interviewed about meal times, sleep, diet and chronotypes.

"Our study concludes that dietary dietary habits are associated with a lower risk of cancer," says Manolis Kogevinas, author of the publication.

The researcher believes that confirming the results will change the recommendations for cancer prevention, it does not include meal times between their ends.


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