Jude Law talks about the sexuality of Professor Dumbledore Hogwarts director


Photo: IMDb

(Caracas, July 18, News24) .- Harry Potter fans were very surprised when JK Rowling announced that Albus Dumbledor, Hogwarts director and mentor Harry, C was gay. In the books this was not mentioned specifically, there was nothing to indicate it and many fans did not know how to react. Some were in favor of this decision, which broke with stereotypes and returned to slightly more inclusive books, but, of course, the trolls started coming out and criticizing Rowling that it changed everything, including Harry's relationship. and Dumbledore (because there are some very sick people in this world who want to find something wrong in everything.)

In early movies, those who focus on Harry, Dumbledroe's sexuality n & # 39; 39 is not an important subject, it's an older man who dedicates his life to protect his students, and has no time to seek a partner, but in the prequel of Fantastic Beasts and Where the find, Dumbledore is much younger (and has a lot of style), and it is likely that the subject of his sexuality has more protagonism.

In this new story, Jude Law goes from the young dad to the young Dumbledore (because he will be the young and alluring version of this character) and has an opinion on the sexuality of his character. In an interview with EW, Law talked about the project, how he was prepared for what he thinks about his character and his sexuality, and his opinion leaves his mouth shut to any enemy . Law commented that, as with any human, sexuality does not necessarily define Dumbledore, she is multifaceted and what we should ask is if the question of sexuality is something that will be explored openly in the future. 39; history. In addition, he asked us to remember that it is only the second part of the story, that there is still much to see and explore, and that Dumbledor's sexuality begins to manifest in this story

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