Mbappé donated everything he won at the 2018 Russia World Cup


Photo: @KMbappe

(Caracas, July 18. News24) .- The name of Mbappé sounds everywhere, he is already called the new Messi, the youngest footballer to make a double of Pele, the best player of Russia 2018, et cetera; and now he is culminating as a young altruist who leaves his mark in the world of football. And did Kylian Mbappé win nearly half a million euros to be crowned 2018 World Cup winner with the rest of the French national team, and this Money will not be worth anything, but donated more than 400 thousand euros. This non-profit organization aims to provide free sports training to hospitalized children and different abilities.

Mbappé donated all that he won in the 2018 World Cup Russia
He not only imposed himself as the best French player of the World Cup. 19659004] The decision of Mbappé is not a novelty, in fact, he had already announced this donation before knowing himself winner in Russia 2018. But not only these 400 000 euros were given there has also contributed what he has won to overcome the phases, because each receives 20 thousand euros per game.

Given this action, Mbappé becomes the best player on and off the field, this humanitarian initiative demonstrates the quality of the human being that is, unlike other players. Are we wondering what the rest of the players did with the money that they won?

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